{82} Stuck With Me | Dec 28, 2022

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A/n: Part 2 for 'A Part of Me' haha. ENJOYYY!!!


I strolled through the field on top of a hill as memories of her filled my brain.

Rolling through the tall, yellow glass at the brim of eight. Picking small, pink flowers and giving them to her on her eleventh birthday. Sharing our first kiss at thirteen, but we swore it was only to get it over with. And when I confessed my love to her at sixteen-- followed by a tear-filled rejection caused my heart to break-- everything was ruined; she was gone, we were gone.

She decided ran away-- my best friend, the love of my life, the one who broke my heart; leaving me with nothing but a parchment and some words.

I've been looking for her ever since then. I went to all of the places she would go, all of the places she could go-- but I just can't seem to find her.

But then sitting there, on top of the golden grass, surrounded by the little flowers, was Kristina Allen; writing in her small notebook that's wrapped in brown leather.

For a split second, my heart stopped. My breath got caught in my throat as my hazel-brown eyes widened.

Taking a deep breath as I fluttered my eyes shut, I finally walked up to her. "Kristina." I called out, leading to her head to lift up; though she didn't turn around to look, knowing that it was me just from my voice.

Finally, she stood, her blue eyes teary, her curly dirty-blonde hair flowing with the wind. "What--" Kristina tried to say, but the words never seemed to leave her mouth. Clearing her throat, she began again, "What are you doing here?"

I looked down at my feet, feeling the same wind blow through my golden hair. "I-- I come here every night, wish to the stars for me to find you.. and I finally did." I choked out, looking up at her again.

A simply quietude fell upon us, silent tears streaming down my face, as did hers down her pale, freckled cheeks. "Why-- why did you leave me?" I cried out, my voice hushed and broken.

Kristina's lips were as thin as a line, the empty quietude-- along with the whistling wind-- being the only things that filled our ears. "I-- I had to. Seeing you with her.. it was too much; I couldn't take it."

I strided over to her, yet she didn't flinch. Up close, I saw her glistening tears glow like the stars in the dark, night sky; her light blue eyes bright like the round moon.

"You-- you could've told me that. You know better than anyone that you're the only one I want-- you're the reason for my smile, and the spark you always claimed that's in my eyes. Only you make me happy, only you fulfil my life-- nobody else, okay, just you."

Then, my eyes fluttered open. Kristina still sat there, writing in her little notebook; and I still stood here, tears coating my eyes as they one by one rolled out, dripping down my jaw and chin.

I cowardly walked away, feeling only despair in my heart as I lost my chance to talk to her, to hear the soothing, soft voice one more time. But it's only for the best, for her to move on, and for me to live on.

But I'll never forget the part of her that's stuck with me, like the part of me that'll always be with her.

569 words


I was actually at the mall with my mom and sister when I wrote this. They were in a shop while I was bored out of my mind as I waited outside. I was just caught up in my own thoughts when suddenly I started to think of the story 'a part of me' which I wrote a few months back. I really wanted to see what would happen if Bennett and Kristina did meet again, and I came up with this.

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