{13} Why? | Sep 25, 2022

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Italics are thoughts


TW: Swearing and death


I stood over her grave. Emily's grave. The love of my life's grave. "I love you, Kaden. I promise I will never leave you." Lies. All of that were fucking lies. If I had answered her call, this wouldn't have happened. I thought. She would still be alive if I just answered her fucking call. The drunk driver's going to prison for fifteen years. No. That's not fair! He should stay there for the rest of his life! He took Emily away from me. My Emily!

"Why?" I croaked out, looking down at her grave, holding back tears with all of my strength. My hands were shoved into the pockets of my jacket, keeping them from shaking; a beanie on my head, covering my light brown hair. "Why did this have to happen to you? Why you?" I asked, all of my sadness, my anger, my guilt, spilling out of me with every word I spoke.

"Why was it you and not me? Why didn't I answer your call? Why was there a drunk driver on the road that night?" Why? Why? Why? I keep asking 'why', but never getting a 'because'. I mean, how can I? She's too dead to answer. "Why, out of all people, was it Emily? Why was it my Emily? Why was it you?" Tears finally filled my hazel eyes, though I refused to let them out.

"Why?" I asked one final time. I fell to my knees, putting my head on the gravestone. Finally, the tears rolled down my cheeks. "Emily," I whispered, hoping that she would hear me. Hoping that she would respond. "Kaden," She would say, mocking my voice. I would chuckle at her joking tone and start tickling her. We would laugh till our stomachs hurt.

But there was nothing. Just plain silence. "Y'know, after you died, I refused to get out of bed, so used to you waking me up. I would hate going to sleep, knowing that I wouldn't awaken with you within my arms. I would hate closing my eyes, knowing that I would see you every time they are shut." I rambled, my voice breaking with every word.

"Without you, life is so dull. Empty. Depressing. Absolutely horrible. I need you, Emily. You're the light to my shadows. You're the warmth in my heart. You're my other half, my one and only; my soulmate. And without you, there is no point in living. Why, Emily, why? Why did you have to leave me so early?"

Broken sobs escaped my lips. The same lips I would use to kiss hers. I still remember how it felt like, kissing her. It was the best feeling in the world. I felt complete. I felt whole. "You found me when I was in pieces. You picked me up, glued me back together, then shattered me again."

"AHH!" I screamed. "WHY?" I yelled out. The sobs only got more rapid as the tears exploded in my eyes. "Why?" It was quieter this time. "Why would you leave me Emily? Why?"

508 words


Yet again, none of the sorts has ever happened to me, it's just I've been asking 'why' a lot in my life and never getting an answer, and I just wanted to show that part of me through a small story.

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