{26} Happy World | Oct 5, 2022

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Italics is thoughts


TW: Swearing, abuse, child abuse, injuries and death


"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Little twelve year old Kelpie could hear her dad yell from the kitchen; broken sobs that belonged to her mom then filling her ears.

Sliding down the wall, she put her headphones on, letting the music block out all of the screaming. Each word, each note, each melody, overpowered the shouts of her father and cries of her mother.

As Kelpie slowly closed her eyes, it's almost like she was in a different world. A world where her parent's marriage wasn't hanging by a thread. A world where her dad can tuck her in at night. A world where she doesn't have to check on her mom for any bruises or scars. A world where she doesn't have to worry when the next slap is gonna come.

A happy world. One where they live in a little cottage on a flower-filled field. Where the night sky is filled with stars, whilst the days are bright; though not hot; with funny shaped clouds. Where joy filled their lives, instead of fear and hate.

And as little twelve year old Kelpie sat on the floor, her eyes slowly opening, she couldn't hear the background noises of yelling anymore. Carefully, the black haired girl took off her headphones, the sounds of muffled whimpers filling her ears. The entrance door suddenly slammed, a string of distant profanities following after.

Carefully, Kelpie opened her bedroom door, locating her crying mother sitting at the kitchen counter; as well as a dark silhouette stood outside of the living room window, a cloud of smoke trailing beside it. Shards of glass were scattered on the floor; beer spilt all around.

Closing her eyes once again, little twelve year old Kelpie took a deep breath. When I grow up-- she thought --I will have a happy family. One on a beautiful field with a little cottage. Where days are bright and nights are magical. I will be in my happy world.

And she lived up to that promise. Even if there were struggles on the way, like her parents finally getting divorced when she turned sixteen, leading to her never seeing her father again; but in all honesty, that was actually the best thing to ever happen to her and her mother, even if it was hard at the beginning.

At age twenty-five, three years after Kelpie graduated college, she met a guy, Ezra, at a coffee shop. Four years later they got married, along with having three kids soon afterwards; Mateo, Juniper and Reagan. Though they never got to live in a cottage, they did find a nice house in the suburbs.

And at the age of ninety-six, Kelpie passed away. As she slowly opened her eyes, seeing the bright sun on a clear blue sky with funny shaped clouds, she struggled to stand up; due to how old she was. And in the distance, she located a little, cosy cottage, along with beautiful flowers and big trees surrounding it; stood at the centre was her parents.

Her parents, who looked happy and in love; her father's arm around her mother's shoulders, wide smiles spread across their faces. Little twelve year old Kelpie ran into their arms, her own lips curving up. Finally-- she thought --finally I'm in my happy world.

558 words


Music has always helped me block out the world as I imagine what my ideal 'perfect' life would be like. I never opened up about that, but here I am.

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