{43} Juicebox | Oct 20, 2022

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Italics is flashback


Sitting on the swings, I had my lunch box resting on my lap. Kids were running around the playground, some on the slide, some on the trampoline; but only Ben and I sat at the swings, eating our lunch as distant laughter and playful screaming were sounded by everybody else.

I ate my sandwich, looking over to the freckled redhead to see that he had a juicebox. I was never allowed juiceboxes, mum thought that since they're store bought, they were unhealthy; and she never has time to make actual juice for me. So I just looked at it in envy as I slowly ate my ham and cheese.

Though, soon after, Ben caught me, asking, "You want it?" I snapped out of my daze, looking up at the blue eyed boy. "What?" I quizzed. He took the juicebox out of his lunchbox, handing it to me. "You can have my juice if you want, I'll just drink it later at home." The redhead boy stated, a broad grin spread on his freckled face, dimples showing on his rosy cheeks.

I was hesitant to take it, though I eventually did, muttering a small 'thank you'. As I sipped away, I saw Ben staring at my Kit Kat. I smiled, taking it out of the box and handing it to him.

Sitting at the swings, the wind blew through my long blonde hair as my caramel brown eyes stared into the distance. Sat next to me was none other than the freckled redhead that I called my best friend.

Years have past; he and I had fun while we could, but life eventually got in the way. "Kenzie," Ben called out as I looked over to him. A frown was what masked his face while our cheery hearts faded into a simple dullness. "What d'you think'll happen next? After we go to college?" The blue eyed boy questioned.

"I-- I don't know." I mumbled, looking back down at the grassy ground. Then I glanced back up, noticing the same slides, same trampolines; that were once filled with happy kids, now complete with nothing but the bland emptiness and darkness of everyone's sadness and sorrow.

And then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Again, I turned my head to look at Ben, who held a juicebox in his right hand. "You want it?" He asked, managing to curve his lips up every so slightly. I chuckled, taking the juicebox and dropping my hands to my lap as I gazed down at it, feeling nostalgia rush through my veins.

Then, I reached into my pocket, pulling out a slightly melted Kit Kat, giving it to him. As I sipped away while Ben took small bites out of the chocolate, we felt hope layer on top of that fear; fear of what will happen-- no-- fear of not knowing what will happen. But sitting there on the swings we have loved since kindergarten, we finally felt the least bit of safety; knowing that we still have each other, knowing that we will forever.

510 words


Yea, this story doesn't have a special meaning, I was just at school one day and wanted to buy juice (I really like juice), I didn't have money so my best friend bought it for me. Somehow I made it into a short story.

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