{72} I'll Be Dead | Dec 3, 2022

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TW: Swearing, mentions of death, injuries, blood and mentions of abuse


My back was against the cold brick wall of the alleyway as I hugged my knees close to my chest, hoping that if I made myself seem small enough, I would just disappear.

The floor was damp from the rain that happened not long ago, while the air was foggy. Finally looking up, I saw a dark silhouette walking over to me, a hood over their head and a mask covering their face.

They slowly got closer, then stood right in front of me. I didn't question who they were, or why they chose to be with me, even with everything they could've been doing. At last, they spoke up.

"Y'know, I feel bad for you, Kinsley. All your family does is judge and abuse you. All of your friends don't understand you, and each and every one of them have someone they'd rather be with than you. You're all alone in this great big world, without a loving family or real friends; all you have is... yourself."

I glared up at the hooded figure, seeing nothing but a shadow and their blue eyes that seemed all too familiar.

"Shut up." I muttered, not wanting to hear any of it. I didn't question how they knew my name, or anything about my life; I just simply let them continue.

"No one really loves you, or cares about you. I mean, how can you be so stupid? Haven't you noticed they only use you? Haven't you heard the whispers behind your back?"

Their questions angered me-- well not their questions, but my realisation. "Shut up." I said louder, yet they didn't stop.

"They want nothing to do with you, just the attention. They keep asking for your heart, and you keep feeding it to them. Gosh, do you even have any left?"

My blood boiled, and I finally stood. "SHUT UP!" Grabbing them by their shoulders, I harshly shoved them against the opposite wall. Their mask fell off and hood slid back.

I could see the bruises that surrounded her blue eyes, and cuts that scattered her freckled cheeks. I could see the blood that dripped off of her plumped pink lips, and her messy pixie cut brunette hair.

"Don't you get it?" She said, "This is how I am now! Because you keep letting people use you, letting them treat you like complete dog shit without a punch in return. I can't take it anymore, all of their beatings."

Finally taking a good look at myself, I realised how selfish I was; not to everyone else, no-- but to myself. This is my reflection, how I truly am inside.

And if I keep on giving my heart out to people, I'll be dead.

453 words


I still remember this day. I went to an art museum on a 'families day out'. I was so unbelievably bored that my mind, yet again, drifted away into my land of fantasies. I wondered how having a conversation with the inner me would be like and managed to come up with this.

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