{129} Just a Game | Aug 19, 2023

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TW: Suicide and mentions of death


Still, Katianne stood, rain drenching her red hair, strong gusts of wind blowing against her pale and fragile skin as well as her moistened green dress.

She looked upon the lake in front of her, the lake that was going to end her like it did her mother years ago. Her feet were buried in the luscious grass, leisurely stepping closer to the murderous waters, that was surprisingly calm for something that was going to end her. Just like Love, a supposed beautiful thing, which is just a quiet torture masked with a sweet smile.

Katianne swore that if she was to die, she wants this very lake to be the one to kill her. Because, in some twisted way, it makes her feel that she'll be closer to her mother, meeting her end the same way that woman did before her; a beautiful soul drowned in silence before eventually welcomed with just plain darkness.

"Katianne," Genevieve, her once love, called out, walking out from behind the bunches of trees, blue eyes wide with a worrisome glint and a watery hue, blonde hair flowing behind her as she ran, "Katianne, no."

Katianne remained silent, letting the torturous quietude engulf the both of them. The girl did nothing, staying still and stiff.

"Katianne, could you just look at me, please? Just look at me? Please just look at me." Genevieve begged, her voice trembling and body shivering, but nothing was going to stop Genevieve from letting the love of her life kill herself, not even a thousand soldiers standing in her way, not even the broken bridge between them, like their broken love.

"I can't, Genevieve, because my love to you was just a game, my heart to you was just a game. And I thought you loved me-- like you swore, like you promised-- but I guess all of it was just a game to you too." Katianne spoke, her voice wispy and feeble, no louder than a whisper.

"Katianne, it's not like that, it's not just a game--" Genevieve tried to say, her blue eyes glistening with tears that overflowed, her hands balled into fists as if trying to grab onto what love that was left between them. She didn't dare stepping closer to Katianne, she couldn't risk a sudden death.

"Looking at you brings me pain. It's like looking at the Grim Reaper, having to face my agony, my murderer. You've killed me, Genevieve, with your false-love and fake-care. I am not brave enough to accept a last explanation, and I am not courageous enough to face my killer right before I die." Katianne explained, the tears dripping down her face like the rain, saddened and gloomy.

"No, Katianne, don't say that, don't-- just come with me, and let me explain. I do love you, and I do care for you, with my whole heart. Let's just.. go home--" Home, what is a home? Home, what Katianne has lost so fast that Life didn't even see it coming.

Hearing that word, a word with the meaning of warmth and love, it triggered broken Katianne, shattered her completely, lost her at last. She jumped into the lake, welcomed with muffled shrieks that she'd left behind her, like she did Life, like she did her love, Genevieve, to live on without her.

Katianne felt her brown eyes, ones that seemed like sweet chocolate and crisp coffee, are now just voids of darkness, fluttering close so that Death could welcome her to the other side. And yet the attempt of her once saviour couldn't let her live on, so now she could only settle with The End because she has lost any shred of happiness she had left.

617 words


No real idea behind this story. I was on the bus listening to a really sad song (not sure which one, but it's by Sufjan Stevens and he's great so go listen to him) and it happened to be raining.

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