{52} Moon | Nov 4, 2022

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Italics is flashbacks


People always bring the sun for when I'm raining; but never has anyone brought the moon in my darkest times.

I have friends, sure, lots of them. But, you see, when I think of my friends, I think of how pretty they are, how smart they are, how amazing they are. But all they think of me is a person they can talk to when they're bored; a 'friend' to get something from when they need it.

They don't understand how lonely that feels, how unwanted and useless I feel, they probably never will; but I stupidly stick around anyways.

As I lay in bed at night, forgetting how to smile like how I fake during the day, all of the emotions I block out with other people around just flood in like a strong wave. The neglect, the abandonment, the isolation. The memories come in too.

"Hey Kaela! What are the answers for the math homework?"

"Sup Kaela, can I cheat off of you for the science test?"

"Uhm-- Kaela? I forgot lunch money-- could I maybe borrow from you?"

As much as I block them out, every sentence, every word repeats in my brain. The scene replays itself again, and again, and again. They're not my friends. They're nothing close to being what a good friend should be like.

All they do is say they're busy when I ask to hangout, ignore me when I talk, leave me alone when they get bored of me.

And that's why I've always admired the moon; it brightens up a dark night, like I need a friend to bring me up at my lowest times. And the moon doesn't even do it alone, it has help from the sun and stars-- so I don't know why it is so hard for me to find the moon in my life; why it's so hard to find one person who actually cares about me for me.

So I lay there, waiting, for my moon to come into my life; shine at my darkest hour, and come back every single night. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

350 words


To find, and to know, the one amazing friend I have right now, I had to go through a lot of fake ones; and this piece is just telling you about them.

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