{10} Gay, Happy And Proud | Sep 24, 2022

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TW: Swearing and slight mentions of death


It was a sunny day in '82. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, checking out my green long-sleeved shirt, which was tucked into a mid-thigh blue plaid skirt, a brown belt wrapped around it. I fixed my curly red hair, making sure that my bangs weren't messy, before walking out, going to my locker.

After opening it, a piece of paper dropped out. A note. From my secret girlfriend, Karl. She and I have been dating since we were fourteen, but we never told anyone since everyone thought being gay or lesbian was, well, bad. Though that was three years ago, now we're seventeen.

I opened the note, inside it wrote: Hey Mel. Love your outfit, looks real cute on you. Meet me in classroom 302 in five minutes. I looked up, locating Karl at her locker, which was directly opposite of mine. She had wavy, shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. She, as well, had bangs, though they were messier then mine.

Karl had the most beautiful hazel eyes. I could gaze into them forever and wouldn't notice that any time has passed. My favourite feature of hers were her freckles. She's always hated them, but to me, everything was perfect on her. Including every single one of those little specks that scattered around her cheeks.

Today, she wore black trousers with an off-white button up shirt, loosely tucked into the pants. Around her neck was a grey tie. She also wore a navy blue blazer, though right now the sleeves are rolled up to her elbow.

Karl gave me a wink, before walking into room 302, while I reapplied my lipstick, wanting to look my best around her. "Hey Melissa!" My best friend, Nicole, greeted me, which led to me jumping since she scared me slightly. "Hi Nicole." I said back, going back to fixing the red lipstick.

"Oooh, lipstick? Who's the lucky boy?" My brunette best friend questioned. Even though I've known her since we were literally five, I've never got the courage to actually tell her about my relationship with Karl. I knew Nicole's from a very religious family, and I was too scared that she would leave me, or out me, so I decided against telling her.

"It's no one important. But I do have to go now." I stated, offering her a small smile, to which she replied with a smirk, a smug look masking her face. "Mhm. Good luck." Nicole retorted before walking away, going to her own boyfriend.

Quickly, I scurried over to room 302, making sure that no one saw me walk into the empty classroom. As soon as I arrived, Karl pulled me into a kiss, immediately welcoming me. After she pulled away, I laughed, wiping the lipstick that stained her lips while she kissed me. "Well isn't this nice." I said, grinning at the slightly taller girl.

"So, what is it that you wanted to tell me that was so important it had to happen this soon?" I quizzed, going to sit on one of the chairs. "Right," I could hear Karl mutter under her breath, coming to sit on the table in front of me. "So I was thinking-- since we are graduating tomorrow, we would probably never see these people again. I wanted to, maybe, finally tell everyone about... us."

I was surprised, my green eyes widened. Karl was always the shyer one of us two. She was the one who was the most scared of someone finding out about us. "Of course, I won't if you don't want to. I just thought, since it is June, I want to support this month-- pride month-- somehow. Make a statement. And, I think I finally built up enough courage to come out of the closet."

Finally, I calmed down from my shock and spoke up, saying, "I think it's a great idea." The freckled girl smiled, which I returned, my bright red lips curving up as well. "So, how do you plan on telling everyone?" I asked, stoking her leg, which I got used to doing since she gets anxious quite often, and would shake her leg.

"Well I was thinking of something dramatic. Everyone always loved the drama. Maybe standing on the table and shouting it or something. At this point, I honestly do not care if people are going to judge me for it. I got enough judgement from my dad, I think I'm used to it."

You see, Karl isn't really close with her dad. After her mom died, her father got extra strict with her and her older brother. But after he graduated and went away, there was just her to yell at. It made her doubt herself-- who she is, disrupting who she wants to be. Our relationship almost died because of her father.

"Well, however you do it would be fantastic. When is it happening exactly?" I asked. "At the very end of the day. When people are leaving. Everyone will be there. Everyone will finally be able to hear what I have to say."


The day ended. I was talking to Nicole and some of our other friends before the voice of Karl overlapped. "Uhm, everyone--" She spoke as she stood on one of the benches, her voice quite shaky, nervousness evident on her face. Everyone fell silent, turning to look at the hazel eyed girl. She took a deep breath before finally speaking up.

"So, uhm, let me just begin by saying that, as a child of a parent similar to all of yours, I believe we were all raised with the same ideas and traditions. So I can only guess that most of you believe that being queer is a terrible thing. And I want to say, right now, that that's pure bullshit." Karl exclaimed, her voice projected. "Life is too short for us to worry about guys being with guys and girls being with other girls. Life is too short for us to worry about who people love." Karl continued saying, her voice getting less shaky, and more loud and confident.

"I mean, what's so bad about a girl kissing another girl? Does it gross you out? Does it make you want to barf? Then don't fucking look! If you get so bothered by it, walk away. Quit making these stupid comments and having these dumb ideas about gay people. I'm gay! And I'm happy! I'm proud to be gay! And kissing other girls makes me happy!"

Karl looked over to me, her gorgeous hazel eyes landing on my bright green ones. I gave her a small nod of reassurance. "Kissing Melissa makes me happy." Gasps were heard all around as shock washed over everyone. "And I don't give a fuck about what all of you think! Judge us! Throw us dirty glances! But all that makes you is an asshole!"

It was silent for a while, but finally, most of everyone started cheering and whooping, their claps so loud that I could go deaf. "I'm gay too!" A random boy shouted. "Yeah! And I love kissing other guys!" Another boy yelled out. "Loving girls makes me happy!" A girl then screamed out.

A wide smile spread onto my face, but then I remembered that Nicole was right next to me; which crushed my mood slightly, my smile faltering away as I slowly turned around. To my surprise, she had a small smile spread on her pale face. "Go up there. Be with your girlfriend." She murmured, and I nodded, giving her a small hug before running over to Karl, jumping onto the bench.

I grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her down and smashing her lips into mine. The cheers only got louder. Pulling away, I rested my forehead on hers, laughing from pure joy.

1300 words


I've been bisexual for one and a half years, and for the first 1/3 of it I refused to believe I was even a bit gay because I've always been taught that it was wrong. I still haven't told the people who mattered, but I finally got the courage to tell the people at school.

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