{125} I Want to Give Death a Hug | Aug 15, 2023

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TW: Mentions of death


I want to give Death a hug. I want him to not feel bad that people love Life and hate him. And also that when people do choose him over Life, it's when they hate themselves.

I want to give Death a hug. I want to show him the sort of warmth I believe he hasn't ever experienced. I want him to know that he isn't just known as just a painful truth, but also as a happy ending, the end to misery.

I've always imagined Death to be a cold and dark figure, hidden away in a broody cloak, covered so that the world doesn't have to look at his sheer ugliness. But who knows what he looks like under his hood? Who knows how Death truly is?

Maybe he is beautiful, so bewitching and alluring that he has to cover his beauty to not seduce the people and lure them into the darkness; which is why people are so afraid of Death, afraid of this supposed ugliness he is, though will only know his true beauty when revealed to him at the end. Maybe he is truly just a glow, the light you see when you feel Life slipping away from you-- removing you from her hold. Maybe he isn't the hideous monster we all know him as, but instead someone beautiful, someone that just wants to be loved.

I want to give Death a hug. I want him to know that he isn't hated by everyone, that he isn't feared by everyone, that not only the tortured souls and the tragic ends are the ones that call for him. I've accepted that there's going to be an end of my life, a finishing line, a 'the end'. The thought of having Life lost no longer frightens me. I've come to a point where I'm fully dependent on Fate for whether I live or die without having to consult with me. But throughout all of this, I also realise the pains of a misunderstood man called Death.

I want to give Death a hug, and I want him to return it with a last warmth, last beam of light, as I'm welcomed to the afterworld that most know as an everlasting darkness. And I want to have a smile on my face as I meet my end, and to have my soul finally rest for all of eternity in his arms, so he can give me a hug too.

411 words


I used to fear the thought of death, I used to be scared knowing that there will eventually be an end, a full stop to my life. But after attempting to die, I think I've learnt that death isn't actually as scary as I believed it to be.

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