{86} Just a Tale | Jan 4, 2022

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"Kevin Johnson." I heard, and I walked onto the stage, clutching onto a folded piece of paper. Looking out into the crowd, which I could barely see due to the blinding white light that flashed onto me, I managed to find Donna; sitting next to her boyfriend.

"Wrap me in your arms," I started saying. "Hold me to your chest. Dance to old songs, clean up our mess.

"Laugh at dumb jokes, hold each others' hands. I'll be a kind bloke, I'll be your man.

"I'll never fall in love, until I find her. Just like two doves, our whole life a blur.

"I would never fall, unless it's into you. Kiss you in the halls, and you kiss me too.

"I was lost in the dark, but I found her. Angelic when she talks, even when she slurs.

"Everything was lost, but I found you. Yet I'm still distraught, yet I'm still blue.

"There is someone else, you're doing that to. I'm alone at the motel, and you got no clue.

"Why can't you notice me? Why are you with him? How great would we be, what we could've been.

"You have heard my begs. Can't you give us a try? You've ripped me to shreds, it makes me want to die.

"So I just stand alone, watching you two. But you've always known, I'm meant for you."

Even if there was a whole audience watching me, Donna knew I was talking to her. As the crowd emerged into clapping, all she did was cry; the glistening tears overflowing her sky blue eyes, silently streaming down her rosy cheeks.

She didn't wipe them off, she didn't look away. She kept in my gaze, until I walked off of the stage.

Even with all the compliments and praise, I couldn't help but feel empty and sad; because what I said in the poem were all true-- every word, every phrase-- and having her so close, yet not able to hold her, it kills a man; it kills him inside.

I would give anything for her to be mine, make my thoughts come true and my stories real. But Donna's too hung up on Hugh, and my fantasies will remain just a tale.

372 words


Let me just start with saying this story was meant to be set in the 50s; it doesn't seem like it, but it's the era I was thinking of while writing this. And the poem specifically is based off of the song 'Until I Found You' by Stephan Sanchez, but the story in general is what I imagine to be like that scene in '10 Things I Hate About You' when Kat reads that poem to everyone in class- plus that scene in 'Dead Poets Society' where Knox reads that poem to Chris; but it's all happening on stage.

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