{23} I Will Never Leave You | Oct 3, 2022

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Italics is thoughts and flashbacks


TW: Mentions of death/killing


Alone I sat on the wooden bench. Even if the round moon and bright stars lit up the sky, it did not, however, light up my mood. Life in the woods was calming and peaceful, I must admit, but it was the loneliest thing in the world.

Why do people hate me? I would think, What did I do wrong? But of course, I know. I simply did nothing. Everyone hates me because I was born a witch. Because I was born with magical abilities. And they are all scared that I might just flip a switch one day and decide to go rogue.

Why can't they just understand that I mean no harm? I haven't hurt anyone before. I don't plan on hurting anyone. I could do so much good with my magic if they would simply let me. When will I be free from this? When will I be free from everyone's fear and hatred?

But for now, the best I can do is live in my little cottage in the middle of the woods. Where animals have fun while not worrying about getting slaughtered by these cruel humans. Where flowers and trees can dance during windy days. Where I get to enjoy the beautiful nature before someone finds me again.

As I sat on this wooden bench, that has green vines wrapped around it, I fluttered my hazel eyes closed; breathing in the breezy, midnight air which blew through my long, brunette hair. I let memories run through my brain. Memories of when other witches and wizards were alive. Memories of when my family and friends were alive. One by one, humans found and destroyed them. One by one, they were killed. Leaving me the last one standing.

I still remember the stories the older generation of magical beings told me. I remember them describing how beautiful our magic was; how beautiful people found it. I remember them telling me about the peace we had. The times where people refused to have war, where violence was unacceptable.

Oh why can't it be like that today? What happened that was so bad that people would want to kill us? Why should war be accepted now? Why should violence be accepted now? Why can't we have peace again?

The bushes started rustling. The birds flew out of the trees. The rabbits hopped away. My hazel eyes shot open, me standing up from the wooden bench. "Who's there?" I called out, my hand reaching for the wand in my pocket. Slowly, a boy who seemed my age walked out. Well, he at least seemed younger than the age of eighteen.

He had platinum blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. His nose was pointed and skin was pale. And taking sight of this all too familiar boy, memories flashed into my brain.

"Hey Kaia!" My best friend called out, running over to me at the playground. "Hi Jasper!" I beamed, jumping out of the sandbox to greet him. Jasper and I would always meet at the playground after we finished school. Well, I was homeschooled, so I would usually finish earlier.

I always found Jasper quite peculiar. His blonde hair was so light it was almost a white color. His blue eyes were bluer than the sky and sea. And his skin was unusually pale. All of the other kids made fun of how different he looked, but I always found his features beautiful; I never understood why people thought he was ugly.

Mum and dad made me promise to never tell anyone about my magical abilities, but I always felt comfortable around Jasper. He always made me feel safe and welcomed. And even at just the age of six, I understood what it really felt like to trust someone with my whole heart.

I remember telling him about my powers. He didn't believe me at first, but did right after I made pieces of the sand float. Jasper didn't get scared, or run away. He just stared in awe, his mouth gaping open. I remember making him pinky promise not to tell anyone, and he kept that promise. Well, I hope he did.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" I ordered, still refusing to take my wand out, knowing that if I did, I would be proving the humans right, I would be giving them a reason to fear me. So all I did was glare at the blonde boy, hoping that he would leave without another word.

But all this boy did was smile, his face calming down as he took sight of me. "Kaia." He breathed out, a British accent laced in his voice. My heart started beating faster, fear rushing through my veins. "How do you know my name?" I murmured, though my voice was still loud enough for him to hear. "Don-- don't you remember me?" The boy questioned.

Confusion washed over me as the blonde boy slowly walked closer and closer. "It's me. It's Jasper." I immediately tensed up, backing away from him; from Jasper. "What are you doing here? You have to leave." I ordered, looking away from him. "I-- I am here for you. I've been looking for you ever since you left; and I finally found you. I'm not just gonna leave."

I glanced back at Jasper, my hazel eyes wide, almost as if warning him. "It's not safe out here. Not for you, anyway. You can't be here." I warned, striding towards him. "No. I'm not leaving you. I abandoned my father to be here. To find you." Jasper declared, his voice projected. "Well I didn't ask you to do that. Now leave!"

A challenging demeanour masked his face as a tension-filled silence surrounded the air. "Your life would be much easier if you are scared of me like every other person." I muttered, looking down at my feet. "Well what if I said I would rather live a hard life with you than be scared without you." Looking up, I saw the optimism that layered on top of his beautiful blue eyes.

But even with his words of hope, I still couldn't allow it. Not because I didn't trust him, but because I loved him. I have loved him since we were little. I have loved him before I even knew what love was. I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to him, especially if it was because of me. I can't lose another person. I'll break. I don't want to go through that pain again. And I don't want any sort of pain in his way.

I didn't enjoy everyone hating me, but I needed him to hate me. Because if he didn't, he might just be putting himself in serious danger; so much worse because it would be from me. But truthfully, he's the last person I'd want to hate me, though at that moment, it was the only thing I could allow him to do.

"If you don't walk away right now, I will do it forcefully. Please, just let me be alone. Go live your life." My voice was softer this time. Jasper didn't verbally respond to my request; instead, he cupped my left cheek with his right hand. The pleasant feeling of his touch never changed. I fluttered my eyes closed once more, enjoying the feeling of the warmth of his palm against my cold, freckled cheek.

"I'm not going to leave you. I'm not going to fear you. I'm not going to hate you. I chose to be here. I chose to leave everyone behind. And I want to be with you. Through the pain and suffering. Through the joy and happiness. It'll be you and I, forever. I will never leave you."

1292 words


After going into a very toxic friendship with this one girl, she somehow managed to make the whole grade hate me. I felt so isolated and alone, but one person stayed by my side, and that's how this story happened. (And yes, it was necessary to incorporate fantasy in a normal event.)

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