{45} I Know | Oct 23, 2022

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"Hey you. I know life is tough, I know you're thinking about not living it anymore; but I'm here to tell you right now, you can't go. Not yet at least. You're still young, you have so many things you haven't accomplished yet; you haven't had your first drink, or first trip with your friends, or first love.

"You haven't told the boys and girls you like about your feelings yet, or tell your friends how much you actually care about them; or tell that one person that without them, life would be so dull and sad, and that having to leave them is the worst feeling you will probably ever feel.

"I know your dad is being a piece of shit right now; he's manipulating your mom and sister into thinking that he's right, and that he's the victim, even if you are literally thirteen. I know you feel like he doesn't love or care for you; that you're just another chore on his to-do list, and that now that he's got everyone on his side you feel lonelier than ever.

"But just know, you're not alone. You have people who love and care about you; even if you're not used to them saying it a lot, they do. And know that one boy cares about you too; even if you doubt that sometimes, even if he hasn't been the best before, he does care.

"I know you're angry, I know you're sad, I know you feel guilty, because you feel like a shit friend and shit child sometimes; and maybe you do make mistakes at times, but remember, everyone does at some point, and that doesn't make you a bad person or a villain.

"And lastly, I know you think you don't deserve help. I know you want to keep everything inside, I know you're scared of someone seeing you vulnerable; and maybe you will be like that for the rest of your life-- but you have to remember, you're beautiful, you're amazing, and you're loved, even if you feel like everyone doesn't, I do, I love you. And never forget that."

Kiana said, pointing at the mirror. She tried her best holding back tears, and she did succeed, not knowing how much better she could feel if she actually cried. "Life still sucks. I still feel empty." Kiana muttered, looking down at the floor.

Lifting her head up again, she fixed her hair, she put her shoulder back and smiled. "I can do it. I can make it; even if it is just one day, I can last longer. I am strong, and I know I will get through this."

443 words


Hey, when life gets you down, you give yourself a pep talk. I've given myself a lot of pep talks, and I have to say they do motivate me at least a bit. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you 'you can do it', and sometimes that someone has to be you.

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