{62} Rest Now | Nov 26, 2022

10 2 0

Italics is thoughts


TW: Death


You can stop thumping now, heart, you've been beat black and blue, and you deserve to not feel the pain anymore.

You can stop thinking now, brain, you have been filled with all kinds of thoughts, you don't have to worry anymore.

You can stop seeing now, eyes, seeing the people around you slowly walk away, you get to shut them now.

You can stop listening now, ears, you've heard enough empty words that somehow still cut you deep, you can close them now.

And I looked down at my skeleton hands, the bones that are meant to be fingers making clunking noises as I move them around.

You can stop moving now, bones, you helped me stand tall even with everyone walking over me, and you finally get to rest now.

So I laid down, taking in the feeling of grass poking me one last time, taking in the feeling of the warm sun glowing over me one last time; taking in the feeling of being somewhat alive one, last, time.

And then I faded, starting with my feet, moving up my legs, and my body, and then my hands, up my arms, my chest, my neck, and then I'm gone; resting in the peace I've always wanted, and finally got.

212 words


I've always felt that life is so tiring, and I'm really hoping that whenever I do die, it would at least be peaceful.

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