{55} Balloon | Nov 7, 2022

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TW: Blood and swearing


I marched to the alleyway, my eyebrows furrowed as anger clouded my brain. All I could see was red; I could hear my blood pumping in my ears. When I finally arrived, I punched the cold brick wall-- and then I punched it again, and again, and again; and again.

My fists hurt as blood dripped off of it. I kicked the trash can as hard as I could, cracking it as the rubbish flooded out. And then, I let out the loudest scream-- though no one could hear it since I was hours away from town; well that was what I thought.

"Karter--" Someone said. I kept punching the wall, my knuckles numb from pain. "Karter-- stop it--" They continued saying, but their words sounded miles away even if they were right behind me. "Karter!" They yelled out, I didn't stop. They wrapped an arm around my waist, the other grabbing my bicep, pulling me away from the now blood-stained brick wall.

"What!" I shouted, turning around, my black eyes wide; and that was when I saw Jaxon. "Well you were abusing that wall, I should've done something." The dark haired boy exclaimed, somehow still joking. "Oh fuck off. Now run off before I replace the wall with you." I growled, finally catching up with my own breath, calming down ever so slightly.

"No; now what's wrong?" He quizzed. "N-- nothing's wrong-- can you just go away?" I snapped. "Eh, well, clearly something's wrong," Jaxon muttered, "And what's the worst that can happen if you tell me?" I rolled my eyes, remembering the events that occurred not long ago, feeling my blood boil again.

"Trust me, you don't want to hear this." I mumbled. "Try me." He hissed, and I looked up with a challenging demeanour glazed on top of my dark eyes.

"Fine then. My so-called father decided that he has finally had enough and is going to leave us forever. And trust me, that is the best thing I have ever heard him say. Now for the shitty part-- he had the audacity to blame me for breaking this family apart. He has the fucking audacity to act like the innocent one when all he's done is make this family miserable."

Shock masked Jaxon's face. "I-- uhm-- that's a lot. Do you maybe wanna talk about it?" Now that was an invitation, and I took it; thank God I did.

I mean, I do stupid things when I'm angry, so who would've known what I might have done while my haze of madness. And now, when I'm finally opening up about shit that's happened in my life, I felt just a little better.

It's as if there has been this weight on my shoulders this whole time, and I put down just a little bit. It's as if I'm a balloon that has air filled into it every time a shitty thing happens; and right now, just before I'm about to blow, I let out some of that air.

And as we continue on as friends, I let out more air, and he let out some too. Soon enough, we were both just normal sized balloons, floating away together in peace, not worrying about what might try to pop us again; because we knew we always had each other to help with that.

556 words


This one was a pretty rushed one. I wanted to somehow express my anger through a story, and how I can get pretty violent while fed up, but I just couldn't seem to do it. This was the best I can do, and this is what you're getting haha.

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