{104} Childhood | Apr 5, 2023

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TW: Suggestions of death


Who is that girl? The one staring back at me?

She had brown eyes filled with life and youth-- and crimson freckled cheeks, chubby from the wide grin that spread on her pure face.

Her luscious brown hair was tied into pigtails as she cheerily jumped around in her little pink dress.

Who is that joyous girl, and why couldn't I have her happiness?

I can only lie here in my hospital bed, hearing the slow beeps of the machine of fortune.

With a shift of my gaze, I saw my own reflection in the window.

My dark brown eyes were tired, my cheeks bony and pale. My messy brunette hair scattered around my head, my hospital clothes dull and still.

I could see the shadow of the cheery girl, reflected with the image of my tired self.

Could I be that girl again? Feel life before the pain and hurt? Could I go back to my childhood as I smile my real smile again before I get awakened to this life of agony at last?

176 words


The young, cheery girl is my younger self-- and the bony and tired girl is me now. I sometimes just wish that I could go back and time and relive that happiness and joy- and just stay there for the rest of eternity. But yet I'm still stuck with the agony of now, hurt from the happiness that's left in the past.

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