{57} I Lost Him | Nov 12, 2022

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Italics is flashbacks


TW: Death


Knock. Knock. Knock. Kobe went to open the door to reveal his friend, Brian. "Hey," Kobe said, letting him walk in, "What're you doing here?" Kobe asked as Brian sat on the couch. "To check up on you." The blonde stated, staring up at his friend sympathetically.

"W-- why?" Kobe stammered, chuckling. "I-- well I heard what happened... with Matt." Brian explained while the golden haired boy widened his brown eyes; though behind them hid the traumatic flashbacks of what happened that night.

His knees were bouncing rapidly, his nails were bitten to the core, his brown eyes were watering; but the sight of the doctor made all of that stop as he immediately stood up, expecting either a grand relief or the most terrible aggravation.

"So--?" Kobe asked, his heart beating faster than ever; and all the doctor could do was softly shake his head, a pity-filled frown painted on his face.

Tears started streaming down Kobe's freckled face. He couldn't describe what he was feeling, there was so much happening at once; he felt sad, he felt angry, so so angry, he felt-- he felt like he would never be whole again; not without his partner in crime.

He pushed past the doctor, marching straight towards the surgery room, even with the protests of him; though the doctor's voice sounded miles away with the anger that rushed through Kobe's veins at the time.

And that was when Kobe saw it, Matt's dead body. The machine he was connected to wasn't beeping; and even if Matt was the one who got shot, Kobe felt like the one with the hole in his chest.

And staring at Matt's limp, pale body, his heart broke into a million pieces; because the one person he felt truly cared about him, the one person he can proudly call family... is dead; and the pain was unimaginable.


The golden haired boy was snapped out of his daze, feeling the unwanted sadness coming to the surface yet again. "Hmm?" He managed to utter out, feeling that if he said anything, anything at all, he would break down in tears.

"I asked if you were doing okay?" Brian questioned, the sympathetic look never leaving his blue eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine." Kobe muttered, clearing his throat as he walked over to the door. "You can leave now." He then stated. "Kobe, no, I'm not leaving you; not when you're obviously distressed."

Brian stood up, walking over to his friend as he shut the door. "I said I'm fine." Kobe declared. "No-- you are not. C'mon, Kobe, it's only been two days. It's fine to admit you're not okay, it's fine to talk to someone about it."

The golden haired boy took a deep breath, feeling his heart start beating faster, the event of that night flashing into his mind again, and again, and again.

Crash! The window breaks. A robber came in. "Give me all of your money!" He ordered, pointing his gun at everyone. Bang! Blood spilled everywhere as the dark haired boy dropped lifelessly on the ground. Oh Matt, always trying to play hero, look where that got you.

"I told you I'm fine. Matt's dead, cool. Better to get over it now than later." Kobe exclaimed, trying to walk away from his friend. "Kobe, c'mon. You know you can talk to me--" And that was when he broke.

"Well what do you expect me to say? You know what happened. And you know how it happened. Matt decided to play hero, and now he's dead. The only person that really knows me, the only person that was there when my world was crumbling. He is my best friend, Brian, and I lost him."

Kobe's voice cracked with that last sentence. He could no longer hide the tears, as they streamed down his pale face, dripping off of his chin and to the floor. "And-- and I hate him for it. I hate him for trying to act brave while I cowardly hid with everyone else. He should't've done anything; thinking 'bout everyone before himself.

"Why couldn't he be selfish for once? Why couldn't he keep his promise? He-- he promised he would never leave me; he promised he would stay. He's-- he's dead. He's.. dead." Kobe fell to his knees, loud sobs escaping his mouth one by one. He held his golden hair, trying to ease the pain he felt in his heart.

Because Matt was the only reason he had to keep living, and he's lost that too.

756 words


No, my best friend is not dead. This is just my reaction to if she ever did die or leave me; she is basically my only reason right now, and I can't lose that.

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