{21} Forever | Oct 2, 2022

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TW: Blood and death


The sun was setting, a beautiful orange to purple ombre surrounding the sky. As I fell to the ground, life feeling as if it was going in slow-motion, I felt all of the emotions I tried to hide come to the surface. As I fell to the ground on the battlefield, with an arrow sticking out of my chest, I finally felt free.

"Klay!" His voice ringed in my ears, repeating a million times in my brain. Right before I hit the ground, he caught me. "No no no, Klay, no, just hold on. Hold on, okay?" Ryker practically begged, tears filling his sky blue eyes. The same pair of eyes I could spend forever staring into. The same pair of eyes I would be spending my last forever staring into.

He quickly grabbed the arrow out of my chest, throwing it to the side. His breathless gasps became the only thing I could hear as my dying heartbeat became slower and slower. "R-- Ryker--" I choked out, my brown eyes blurry with tears as well. "Ryker," I said again. The brunette boy looked at me, our teary eyes meeting again.

"I-- I need you to p-- p-- promise me something," I uttered out. "H-- hey, hey don't say that. That sounds like a goodbye. A-- a-- and you're not leaving me. You're not going to die here." Ryker cried out, emerging into a fit of sobs. "Hey! Ryker, just p-- please listen." At last, he did.

"I n-- need you to promise me that after a-- all of this is over, you will find another boy wh-- who'll love and care for you with their wh-- whole heart. You will g-- get married, have kids, j-- just like we talked about. But pl-- please, always light a candle before you go to sleep. S-- so at least one of our memories will live on."

Ryker shook his head, the glistening tears rolling down his cheeks. "D-- don't say that. I will never find someone else. You're the only boy I love. Klay, y-- you will make it through, okay? You will!" Even with his desperate words, and the despair that filled each tear that rolled down my face, my lips curled up into a smile. "Just p-- promise me."

Yet again, he started sobbing uncontrollably, and in dainty and fragile voice, he quietly uttered, "I promise."

Slowly, I felt my life slipping away from me. As my soul left my body, floating up into the air, I could see my brown eyes go dull, my body go limp, and my blonde hair messily scattered with Ryker's fist tightly grabbing it. His head laid on my chest, disregarding the blood that now stained his luscious brown hair.

Ever so slightly, Ryker lifted his head up, placing one last kiss on my lips, his tears mixing with mine.

And he did as he promised. Ryker found another boy; it did take him years, but he did eventually find one. One that loved and cared for him with all of his heart; just as much as I did. They got married, December 21st, 2259. They adopted two children three years later. Two girls, Astra and Cersei. And a boy a year after that. A boy they name Klay.

And every single night before they went to sleep, Ryker would light a candle that was placed on his bedside table. When he woke up in the morning, he would blow it away, the sweet vanilla scent travelling with the smoke. The same vanilla scent Ryker smelt like every single day. And even from up here, I could smell it. Him.

And then, in the year 2323, Ryker died. As he walked into the field where a small cottage was set, along with dandelions everywhere. As he walked into the place he and I called home for as long as I lived, his ninety-six year old self slowly morphed back into how he was when he was twenty-one. How he looked when I got shot by an arrow in the chest.

And you know how they say that even after you meet tons and tons of people, you will still have your first love clinging in your mind? That a piece of your heart will always belong to them, even when you're trying to give it to someone else. Well that was the case for Ryker and I. Because I was his first love, and he was mine-- my only love.

Yet again, I gazed into his sky blue eyes. And this time, I do have forever to stare into them. This time, he and I will have forever.

779 words


I've had multiple people promise me things, and one by one have them broken. Whether they were small meaningless promises, or one's that literally torn me apart-- they were still promises. There was this particular one my best friend made that will literally kill me if she breaks; and I expressed that through a story (no I'm not dying, and nor is she-- I only expressed the importance of promises.)

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