{61} Forever Yours | Nov 26, 2022

10 2 0

Italics is letter


TW: Death and suicide


Dear Chanel,

If you're reading this then I'm probably dead; but there are a few things I would like you to know before I become just one of your memories.

All of my life I thought love was fake, a sham, an exaggeration of feelings so people could feel better about themselves. Maybe that was caused by my parents' marriage, but all I know is that that's what I think; well-- thought.

After meeting you, I felt as if I found the last piece of the puzzle that's the mess I call my life. I remembered going on the roof of my house, sitting there with you as we looked into the distance, admiring the beauty of tall shiny buildings, and little figures of people walking around.

I remember feeling so scared, but so calm-- so nervous, but so overwhelmed by the happiness that it didn't seem to be there.

And only in my last moments did I realise that I was in love with you, and I always have been. You are the love of my life, Chanel, you are my soulmate.

Maybe we'll see each other again, maybe we won't; but I can proudly say that I knew I found love before my life ended.

I don't regret meeting you, not one bit, and you will always have a part of my heart, even if the rest are rotted and faded.

Forever yours, Knox

She read the letter, gripping onto the paper so hard that her nails dug through it. Tears sprung in her eyes, blurring her vision as single droplets rolled down her rosy cheeks, falling, falling; just like her heart as she read the letter.

Chanel scanned her eyes over it again, reading the words, taking in the message; and she did it again, and again, and again. Some part of her wished that it was a joke, some cruel prank. She wished that he would emerge into the room, telling her that he is still alive and well; but he didn't, because he's dead.

But somewhere inside of her heart, inside of her cracked and broken heart, she found one piece that she knows will forever be his; just like he'll forever be hers, even if it's just a memory or a rotted and faded heart.

381 words


Yet another story I came up with in the shower. This also shows how I don't believe in love, and that I'm really wishing to find someone to change my mind.

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