{31} Words | Oct 10, 2022

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Italics is thoughts


No! I'm not angry or mad, or trying to be petty; I'm hurt, I'm in pain! And it is all of your fault! You're the reason for these feelings that I constantly have; these feelings that make me want to die.

I know you would rather be with any other girl; I know you don't really care about me; I know you don't really love me, but yet I don't leave, with nowhere to go. And you wanna know the worst part? I still want to stay through everything; I still love you through everything!

I hate you. I hate you so much. You were the worst thing to happen to me; yet I want you with me forever. I hate how you make me feel. I hate how you make me want to stay. I hate how whenever you tell me about how much of a bad day you had, I have to listen; but when it's my turn, you neglect my words, make fun of my emotions, ignore me.

And I hate how much I don't hate you at all. I hate how even with everything, my heart beats for you, my lungs breathe for you, my life lives for you; I am completely devoted to you, and you treat me like the gum under your shoe.

Ah, words. Aren't they magical? They are so much more powerful than you think. It's like when you throw a rock into the ocean; all you know is that the rock is in the sea, but what you don't know is how deep that rock goes.

Words can hold so much beauty, yet show so much pain. They can highlight the joyous parts of things, yet shade the agony. Words can express all kinds of emotions, whether they are positive or negative.

I've always feared words, on how much they can really do. If you really think about it, they are really powerful; it just depends on how you put them together, and how you say them. Either way, they have always scared me, on how much I can really affect someone with them; how much feelings I can give a person with them.

As I looked at him, words, sentences, paragraphs, stories, rushing through my mind, I felt my happiness slowly slip away as this weird feeling people call love filled my veins. Is this how love really feels like? I would ask myself. Because if it is, why would I want to feel it?

As I looked at him, these powerful words filling my head, I slowly pieced it together; finally realising that being with him was just plain idiotic. I deserved better. I deserve someone who loved and cherished me. I deserve someone who actually listens to my words; my beautiful words.

Now here is the other thing I was afraid of words; how to say them. Creating these sentences with these words was fun and inspiring; but having to say them? That scared me. It's scary how people will react to them, what people will do with them, what will happen to me after I say them.

Words are beautiful I will always think, but behind a beautiful sentence, there is always an author with the same feelings. And I am that author; the author who was madly in love with him, but knew even with his lyingly words, he will never feel that way about me.

Words are beautiful, but they are also the scariest thing in the world.

583 words


Like I've mentioned, I've always loved talking. But in most arguments, I would usually give up and lose because people never seemed to listen. I would make up the endings of these fights in my head, and this piece just shows that.

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