Chapter 2: Hunting in Texas part 1

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"Houston, Texas, USA"

The scene changed to Dario who parked his jeep and got out of the vehicle and grabbed his backpack and rifle.

He was walking around a neighborhood while reading a note that read "619".

Dario: Alright, one of these doors has to be 619...

He looked around the houses until he saw the house with that address number.

Dario: Bingo!

He went to the door and rang the doorbell.

???: Coming!

A female voice was heard from inside the house, then footsteps were heard.

The unlocking was heard from the door opened to reveal a girl who had pink dyed hair, she was fair skinned and had brown eyes, her attire consisted of a turquoise t-shirt and blue shorts.

???: Dario! It's been so long buddy!

She hugged him.

Dario: Hey Janet, it's been a while.
Janet: How's my favorite little cousin doing?
Dario: Oh, not much just got into the hunting business.
Janet: Come on come on, get in ya little rascal.

Dario got in.

Janet: Also is the rifle necessary?
Dario: Yeah, I am gonna be hunting in sunset but I'm gonna rest after that long ass drive.
Janet: Make yourself at home buddy.

Dario sat on the couch and rested his head.

Dario: Ahh so comfy...

Few minutes later while Dario was resting for a bit, Janet came in with 2 cups of coffee.

Janet: Here you go.
Dario: Thanks Jan.
Janet: So how's aunt Aneta doing?
Dario: Oh, not too bad. Trying her best to raise me after the divorce with dad.
Janet: Tbh, he was in the wrongs this time around.
Dario: I don't wanna talk about it tho, not that it makes me uncomfortable but I don't wanna get the rest of the family involved and start ridicule mom for being a foreigner.

Janet nods with a smile.

Janet: Don't worry I always liked you mom as an aunt, she's so sweet.
Dario: Mom was always kind to me, dad was just busy doing work as he would put it.
Janet: So... when did you started hunting?

Dario took a sip of his coffee.

Dario: Not long, a week passed after I got contracted to a now retired hunter. Plus I always wanted to be one since grandpa would always take me to hunt with him when I was little.
Janet: And why did you choose Texas?
Dario: I mean... ain't it exotic?

They laughed it off.

Janet: Ok true you got a point there, so what'cha gonna hunt.
Dario: Actually I'm a trophy hunter, I'm here to hunt down 5 trophy animals that are native here, my boss gave me the list of names.
Janet: Oooh, which are?

Dario pulled out his phone to list them off.

Dario: Hogger which is a boar, Apex aka a black jaguar, Sheriff that's a nilgai, El Guapo... a weird name for a crocodile and finally Red Banshee-
Janet: The Red Banshee?! As in the red wolf?

The hunter furrowed a brow.

Dario: Wait you know that wolf?
Janet: Uh huh, it is said that she killed 2 hunters that killed her wolf sister and is said to haunt the outskirts of Texas. I can't believe you're gonna try and hunt her down.
Dario: Relax Jan, I killed a fucking Kodiak bear where I was in Alaska what makes you think I'll let a wolf kill me?
Janet: Still...

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