European Arc, Chapter 71: Little Reunion

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The scene changed to Luke who was at the airport on his phone, he was sitting on a bench waiting for someone.

Luke was scrolling through to see a picture of Marcus who was standing ontop of a gunned down piebald moose with the captions "Happy hunting in Finland"

Luke: He's done with Finland, and geez that moose is VERY big!

He scrolled and passed by a few posts until he stumbled upon a post where Dario was with Phantasm, the two were outside an airport in Geneva.

Luke: And daaaamn teach he scores another one, how does he do it? I should ask for some advice since I got my own case-

???: Aaaaand there you are!

He turned to the side to see Tayova and Dzunukwa come by, the cougar girl waved rapidly while running towards Luke as the elk trophy was a bit behind.

Luke: What took you so long-

She was interrupted by a tight hug from the cougar trophy.

Dzunukwa: Lil' Luke is growing up eh, Tay told me you got yourself a girl and I came here for support ya in your little love story!

Luke: Dzu, I appreciate it but maybe not say it out loud so everyone doesn't hear us.

Tayova made it and stood beside her best friend.

Tayova: So, she got herself a passport and is on the way to see you? I wasn't kidding when I said she's madly in love with ya.

Luke: You could say that again.

Dzunukwa: So she's a canine huh?

Luke: Yup, a dingo.

Dzunukwa: Australia can be weird at times with their fauna, but hey there's saying "When there's a hole, there's a goal". *playful wink*

Luke chuckled and looked away.

Luke: Night Howler is a charming girl, very chatty and stuff.

Tayova: Good to know, it's important to be open and approachable, tomboys love people that are extroverted.

Dzunukwa: Ya, like Hurricane with Dario.

Luke: Yeah, Hurricane is very tomboyish from the last encounter I had with her.

Dzunukwa: Careful not to get on her bad side, she can ram you very hard, and I mean it seriously and not in the-

Tayova: Oooookay, let's not try and make the kid uncomfortable Dzu, we came to support him and help him out with his girl.

???: Well now, what do we have here?

They turned to see Dario and Phantasm coming at the trio after their little shenanigans in Switzerland.

Phantasm's coat was now not covered with blood stains and this time she wore white pants as of post to her white stockings.

Dzunukwa: Babe! So good to see you again!

She ran to Dario and hugged the Americo-Macedonian tightly and kissed him on the cheek, Tayova joined in and kissed him too.

Luke: Heya teach, what's up?

Dario: Heya Luke.

They turned to the white wolf trophy who giggled.

Tayova: So who's the newest patient you brought to the Vasilov Asylum? *jokingly*

Phantasm: Bonjour, I'm Phantasm.

Dzunukwa: Phantasm? She some sort of ghost?

Phantasm: Maybe, if you count me haunting his-

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