African Arc Chapter 128: Livin' and Laughin'

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Shenri: Awwwwww!!! They're all so adorable!

She hugged Adam and Fatima, after Ruch gave the babies to her.

Shenri: What are their names?

Ruch: Adam and Fatima.

Shenri: Wait the boy is named Adam? You should've named him something more our style, like Achraf or Hamza.

Dario: Well yes, but Adam is universal name.

Ruch: Yeah according to the name generator, Adam is also used in Morocco.

Shenri: Huh, oh well. We can always name our own cubs with pure Moroccan names~.

Drusilla: Cubs? Are hyenas cats? *to Dario*

Dario: They have their own seperate genus, but they are closely related to cats despite their dog like appearance.

Katherine: So hyenas are a mix of both.

Shenri: No! We are neither cat or dogs, we are just hyenas. I get it most of y'all aren't native to Africa but really, getting called a dog is asking for me to bite someone's face off.

Sprinter: Ok Jason Vorhees, we get it. Just don't do sh-I mean, weird stuff when the kids are around.

She was holding Maxie in her arms rockabyeing the cheetah cub to sleep. Shenri smirked and nods.

Shenri: I know my limits, they're literal infants and I don't plan on eating babies. What do you take me for?

Katherine: You literally said you wanted to spill over someone's guts back at Morocco.

Drusilla's face turned shocked, she held Mihaela and Renata tightly, to protect her pups.

Drusilla: Remind me why she's here?

Dario: Oh come on, we talked it over with Shen about how she can't do questionable things around the kids.

Shenri: Yup, still I know the line, no bloodshed when the kids are around. But I'll occasionally make funny jokes.

Francisca: *unfazed* Let me guess, they're gore related?

Shenri: You guessed correctly mama bacon! *laughed* Who knows, maybe your piglets will find my sense of  humor quite adorable and charming with auntie Shenri~.

Francisca: Dario. It's taking me every fiber of my being not to pulverize this b-.

Dario covered Francisca's mouth before she could swear.

Dario: I get I get it.

Miguel saw his dad and reached out his tiny arm for him.

Dario: Aww you want some attention with papa?

Miguel nods as he made noises, Francisca gave Dario the baby as the two would have father and son bonding. Francisca would smile at them.

Shenri then leaned over and booped Miguel's nose.

Shenri: Who's a cute little piglet? Oh you are! Oh yes you are!

Miguel giggled like any normal baby would.

Shenri: Man i can't wait 9 months for it to happen.

Ruch: You're gonna have to wait, but hey you're not alone Katherine will keep you company.

Katherine: I thought we agreed to keep her away from me.

Sprinter: Scared much?

Katherine: As if! I just find her violence and fetishes....rather uncomfortable...

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