Chapter 117: Mating Season Mischief Part 1

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A few days later after Luke's birthday party.

Dario was awake in the morning in a good mood. He was whistling as he was preparing pancakes for everyone, the kitchen was a bit of a mess since he was working on all sides.

He then felt a brush on his thighs, he looked down to see Leonor in her fox form nuzzling the Americo-Macedonian's leg with her muzzle.

Leonor: Morning dummy~.

Dario: Oh, morning Leo, didn't expect you to be up so early.

Leonor: I woke up by scent Mr Vasilov, I swear it wasn't anything bad that I did. *wink*

Dario: Ya, you better behave or I'll take you to the slammer.

Leonor: *purrs* Maybe I would want that, officer~.

She circled his legs whilst sniffing and nuzzling them. Dario chuckled as he put down what he was doing and stooped to her level.

Leo stopped in front of him and turned human and pecked Dario's lips for a second.

Dario: What's gotten you so riled up today? *tilts head with a smirk*

Leonor: If I said it then you'd freak out, so I'll let my actions do the talking~.

She nuzzled the hunter's neck with her lips, wrapping her arms around his back. Dario returned the favour and stroked her hair.

Leonor: *purr* I love ya, dummy.

Dario: Me too, foxy.

???: Ah, I got beat!

They turned to see Snowflake who was a bit disappointed but still smiled at the duo.

Dario: Beat you to what Flakes?

Snowflake: No reason hun.

She walked over to them before she too nuzzled the hunter's neck in a cute manner which tickled the latter making him giggle.

Dario: Hehe, cut it! *jokingly*

Snowflake: You smell good Dary, any objections Leo?

Leonor: Nope.

???: Make it three.

On Dario's right, Staffy appeared. On her knees she kissed Dario's cheek and nibbled his ear.

Dario noticed that the other two weren't jealous of the coyote coming over nor were any of them competing over who got to spend time with him.....Odd.

Staffy: Guess ya got cuddles before me red, but now that I'm here I ain't stopping~.

Dario: Haha, that's cute guys. Tho we can cuddle AFTER I get finished with all of your breakfast.

L/F/S: No.

Dario: О боже мили....(Oh dear god....)

Later on, daytime.

We see Dario who was out shopping, accompanied by his side were Hurricane, Peekon and Ruch.

Dario: Does anyone see the chorizo around?

In a dash, Ruch left and then came back with the said item per request by Dario.

Ruch: Got it for ya handsome~.

Dario: Hella fast there Ruch.

The cheetah had an affectionate glance at Dario as she leaned over and nuzzled his neck with her lips whilst purring.

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