European Arc, Chapter 88: Jäger Part 1

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"Carpathian Mountains Nature Park"

We see the Dniester river's water flowing around the mountainous forest terrains of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

We see a beaver that was working a dam all alone, using its tail to slap and hit down wood further into the wooden wall.

Then suddenly dark grey clouds start to surround the area, the beaver looked up with a confused look on its face. It started to rain.

Nonetheless the beaver continued to work on the dam on its own. Then it noticed mist slowly forming around the mountains and soon the hill areas.

It didn't stop the rodent from finishing its job.

But then a sound of something being dragged made the beaver look angry as it stopped. It then spoke.

Beaver: Заради Бога, перестань намагатися від- (Oh for goodness sake, stop trying to dis-)

He then saw a tall pale white and brown speckled colored moose with large antlers and blue eyes, its mouth on the back of a jacket that belonged to a dead body of a man.

The beaver stopped and gasped in shock, the moose huffed as it let go of the body, preparing a mock charge.

The beaver then jumped into the water to avoid any danger. The moose shrugged before dragging the dead body away.

The beaver rose its head up and sighed in relief.

???: Ви також помітили, що щось відбувається, так? (You notice something is up too huh?)

The beaver turned to the male voice where it came from, he then saw a red fox with a bit of white coating to its fur as it had blue turquoise eyes.

Frost: Я Фрост, і я не можу не помітити, що лось останнім часом поводиться смішно. (I'm Frost, and I can't help but notice that moose is acting funny lately)

Castor: Я Кастор. Ви маєте рацію, лось не намагайтеся вступати в контакт з людьми, я був зайнятий будівництвом своєї греблі для своїх братів, і я бачу, як цей великий лось тягне те, що здається мертвою людиною, він ледь не намагався напасти на мене більше! (I'm Castor. You're right, moose don't try to come in contact with humans, I was busy building my dam for my brothers and I see this big moose dragging what seems to be a dead human, it almost tried to attack me need I say more!)

Frost: Що міг задумати цей звірятко...? (What could that lumping brute be up to...?)

The scene changed to the moose yet again as it dragged the body through the mist, it then stopped and dropped the body.

From the fog came out Renfield in his chamois form.
The moose spoke.

???: Has the master woken up from his slumber?

Renfield could only nod a no as the mist slowly clears up to see the molten body of Vlad slowly recover its flesh and bone around the body, and slowly forming new legs. However the face still remained a motionless skull.

???: And where is Lugosi? Is he hunting as well?

The chamois nods before he drags the body all the way to Vlad before turning in his human form. He cuts off some of the flesh from the corpse and puts it on the skull's mouth and feeds the flesh to the wolf trophy.

Suddenly flesh slowly starts to grow on the face, then the left eye glowed a red dot, it then stared at Renfield and the moose who came to watch the corpse of Vlad.

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