Chapter 3: Hunting in Texas part 2

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The scene changed to Janet's house, there was a knock on the door.

Janet: Oh that must be Dario.

She went to open the door and she was right as she saw Dario whose hunting clothes were a bit ruffled and dirty.

Dario: Hey Jan.

Janet: Dario! What took you so long, it's almost 11PM!

Dario got in as he took off his shoes and put his hunting gear down.

Dario: I had a run in with the Red Banshee.

This made his cousin gasp in shock.

Janet: And did you kill her!?

Dario was silent for a bit but sighed.

Dario: No... because...

Janet: Because what?

Dario walked passed her and sat on the couch.

Dario: Because she's remarkable, a beauty in its finest, why kill such a marvelous animal.

Janet: Oh yeah, what would your employer say and do?

Dario: Good point there, well...

He smirked and clasped his hands.

Dario: I'll just say that someone else got her before me or she got away and lost her.

Janet: You sure that'll work?

Dario: Trust your cousin, I've gotten myself out of very crappy situations before.

Janet: Oh I know, like that one time you tricked dad about who stole his golden watch and you pinned the blame on the dog and put it there before he found it.

They both shared a laugh.

Dario: Ah. Good old times Jan.

Janet: Yeah, anyways it's getting late you should head to bed.

Dario: Of course, got any spare PJ's I'll sleep here on the couch.

Janet: Sure I'll go and get them for ya.

The scene changed to Guapo who was walking around nighttime in Texas.

Guapo: Ah, nothing beats a good ol walk around the plains at night, everyone are asleep and it's peaceful.

As he kept walking he stopped as he saw a blood trail.

Guapo: Blood? Someone died it seems...

He then knelt to the ground and sniffed the blood.

Guapo: Jaguar blood... I think I know who was behind this... They about to get it tomorrow, hijo del puta.

"Next day"

The scene changed to Dario who was out hunting around the outskirts of Texas again.

It was around 3PM.

Holding his rifle, the hunter's footsteps were stepping on the ground as we speak.

Dario: Alright now to bag the rest and head back.

He stopped and looked at a herd of bison who were on the move, slowly they walk through the desert plains.

Dario: Bisons walking around, mmm I remember the time my aunt always made bison meat loaf... Good old days...

He then realized and an idea dinged in his head. He then aimed his gun at one of the bison.

Dario: How about I make a quick-

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