European Arc, Chapter 89: Jäger Part 2

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The scene changed to Dario and Armand who were searching for Drusilla who chased after Lugosi.

Dario: Drusilla! Drusilla! Where are you babe?!

Armand: I'll pay 300 leu that she's probably eating the lynx, y'know giving into her primal instincts. *chuckled*

Dario: Not the time to joke around, it's not surprising you don't take this seriously.

Armand: Like how you didn't take me seriously when you're using me like a horse at the moment.

Dario: I mean, given how your species is fast on all fours and one of the largest deers, can you blame me?

Armand: Wish I could but-

He stopped as an arrow quickly flew passed in front of him and hit a tree right next to the duo.

The duo were pure silent, Dario then examined the arrow a bit.

Dario: This is arrow has no steel on the tip, it's a sharp bone spike...

Armand: A spike you say...what a weird coincidence-

Then they hard a loud and chilly groan not far from them.

Dario: We're not alone...

Armand: No surprise right there if you ask me.

From a different point of view, the two were being stared at silently. The direction was especially aimed towards Dario.

Dario: Come on let's keep looking for her-

Two more arrows are fired at them, one hits him on his torso and the other on his butt. This caused the red deer trophy to screech in pain before unpurposefully throw Dario off his back.

Dario hits the ground and so does Armand but he was lying in the side, moaning in pain.

Dario: Armand! *checks on him*

Armand: Go on without me.

Dario: No i ain't leaving you behind-

Another arrow was fired at Dario but he dodged it.

He turned to see where it came from but he saw a man standing from the distance, watching him.

It was Jäger, but he was in his human form.

Jäger stood around 7 ft tall, was pale skinned, wore a moose skull with enormous antlers over his head that covered his upper face, through the holes on the skull it was shown his left eye glowed in a shade of blue. His clothing consisted of a brown with golden chest armor with matching knee guards, a white shirt and brown pants and brown boots.


Armand: Just go!

Dario had no choice and began running, the man remained unfazed and then started approaching Armand.

He looked down at the deer who just smirked.

Armand: Come on bud, finish the job!

Jäger: I won't...

He then plucks the arrows off of Armand and then puts them back on the antlers and they simply merge with the skull.

Jäger: You simply aren't in my interest...My interest is only those that simply chose to wrong my lord....

He then grabs his antlers and rips them apart as they turn into bone like sickles.

Jäger: Leave Ukraine...Or you won't be spared next time...

He then sprinted and chased after Dario.

Armand grunted as he turned in his human form and tried to get up but failed, he felt paralyzed.

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