European Arc, Chapter 79: Remorse

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The scene changed to Fernando who was sprinting somewhere, whilst in his deer form for quick mobility.

He was close to a mountainous side area, climbing a rocky terrain, tho the stag was struggling to climb.

Fernando: Come on now-Ahhhh!

He tripped and fell off and landed on his back, Fernando groaned and slowly got up.

Fernando: Ugh....where the hell is he....usually I ask him for help....

He looked around but then he saw a wooden sign planted on ground with the words "De volta em cinco minutos".

Fernando: 5 minutes?! Goddammit Ricardo!

The scene changed to Dario who was out of the river, he was soaking wet, a small trail of water trickled from behind him. He was angry.

Dario didn't bother saying a thing as he casually walked across the forest, despite the looming danger that was present in the form of Mario and his wolf pack.

Dario then could think of one thing, Francisca and her safety.

Dario: I...just hope she's alright....things happen much worse and much faster...

He then sat on a log with his legs crossed.

Dario: If I had my rifle I would've killed that wolf much faster but now I'm in the run like a little bitch...maybe coming here was a mistake....

???: On the contrary child, you not escaping with your life would've been much more of a foolish move than a mistake.

The Americo-Macedonian got up spooked and looked behind him.

Dario: Who said that?!?

???: No need for fear, I am not going to hurt you.

Dario: Just show yourself already!

???: Patience child, no need for rushing yourself to conclusions.

Dario didn't say a thing and has his hands bolted into fists ready to defend himself. He then bumped to someone from behind.

The latter swiftly turned around and threw a punch only for his hand to be grabbed and then got tossed across the woods before landing on the ground with  loud thud.

Dario: Ow! What the fuck....

He then saw a hand extended down to him. Dario looked up to see it was a dark skinned man that was bald, had dark green eyes and carried a wooden staff. He wore a brown yellow sleeveless monk outfit with a red belt with matching red torn cloth for lower clothing, and was barefoot.

Dario: Who the hell are you?

Ricardo: Call me Ricardo, and I know all about you Dario.

Dario got up himself without Ricardo's help, he was angry.

Dario: The fuck dude? Why throw me?

Ricardo: Ever heard of self defense child?

Dario: Ya? I was doing that earlier? Besides the point how do you know me?

Ricardo: You think I don't know the fact you got into an altercation with Mario after you and the boar got a little...carried away I should say...

Dario: None of your business dude.

Ricardo: Well "dude", you are lucky to have escaped Mario. He doesn't take humans kindly here in this national park, it is said he even eats human children.

Dario: Not surprised there, I mean he looks like those Dire Wolves from the historical channel when he's in his normal form.

Ricardo: On the contrary, he believes he is a descendant from that lineage. He prides himself on how he's the largest and toughest wolf in these regions.

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