African Arc Chapter 140: Twinning

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We see Dario, Katherine, Drusilla and the twins returning back from the massacre they had encountered. They had the diamond back, but not without a fight.

Katherine: So the baboons got butchered and Reza is still out there.

Dario: Just our luck.

Stella: Hey at least we got the diamond, we can no go back to mom and dad. Maybe they'll spare us the trouble.

Reine: *groans* What sucks more is that they're probably gonna find some other jackass to make me marry.

Dario looked at the lioness with a comforting expression.

Dario: Now Reine, I get it you're not a fan of being married but some of us at some point have to accept the fact that one day it's going to come whether you like it or not.

Reine: Ya ya I know. But does it have to be someone of their choice, you've what that dumbass did.

Drusilla: Reza is some opportunist, my best guess is that he wanted to ride the coattails with you guys.

Stella: Honestly, your guess is as good as mine.

Reine: Ugh! I just wanna leave this place y'know.

Dario: Reine, you should stand up to your parents and tell them who YOU want to marry, be a little assertive and play along with their game. And that might leave Senegal.

Katherine: Ya, the idea is not so bad when you think about it.

Reine thought about it and then smirked.

Reine: You know scrote, not a bad idea.

She pulled Dario to her side and ruffled his hair and was being playful.

Dario: Hey-haha! Reine cut it out girl!

The other three girls giggled.

Reine: Nah~.

She turned into her true form and as a lion she licked Dario's left cheek as her paws were on his shoulders.

Dario: You're such a snob~!

Stella: Not wrong there Dario. *smirk*

Katherine: *to Drusilla* And now both have lighten up to him~.

Drusilla could only nod as she giggled even more.

The scene changed to the quintet as they returned the diamond back to the twins' mom.

Stella: There you go mom, good as new.

Mother: Thanks sweetheart, oh and thank you as well you three. For that and for saving Reine.

Drusilla: Oh it's no problem miss.

Dario: Ce n'était rien que nous ne pouvions pas gérer. (It was nothing we couldn't handle)

Stella: You can speak French?

Dario: Yeah, had to learn it not too long ago.

Salah: Well that's good, respect the language gang!

The father then approached Dario.

Father: C'est grâce à toi que j'ai compris quel genre de crapule était Reza, qui volait les bijoux de ma femme et menaçait même la vie d'une de mes filles. Tu as mes remerciements humains. (It was thanks to you that I realized what kind of scoundrel Reza was, stealing my wife's jewelry and even threatening one of my daughters' lives. You have my thanks human.)

Dario nodded as he respectfully bowed at the father.

Katherine: What did he say?

Stella: Basically thanking your boy toy over there about everything with Reza and my sister.

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