European Arc, Chapter 95: Something Odd

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"Marcus' POV"

It was nothing but darkness for him, it was like a dark void

But then he heard a couple of voices looming talking close to him.

The Belgian slowly but surely opened his to see two lynx talking.

???: ¿Crees que este humano está bien hermano...? (Do you think this human is alright brother...?)

???2: A juzgar por la fuerza con la que golpeó el suelo y por la herida en el pecho, es 50/50. (Judging by how hard he hit the ground as well as the wound on his chest, it's 50/50)

Marcus grunted as he tried to get up, the lynx duo turned to him and they were surprised.

???: Oh oh! Acuéstate humano, estás herido! (Lie down human, you're hurt!)

Marcus rubbed his eyes to see the lynx duo. One was male, had dark brown fur with yellow coating and green eyes while the other was a female with cream mixed with brown fur, had some blue and pink speckled coating around her body with magenta eyes.

Marcus: Uhhhhh....trophies...?

???: Trofeos? (Trophies?)

The feminine lynx was a bit confused, the male lynx looked spiteful and angry.

???2: Cazador, no te atrevas a mover un músculo...(Hunter don't you dare move a muscle)

The Belgian understood what he said, he decided to play it safe.

Marcus: ¿Qué pasó, dónde estoy y quiénes son ustedes dos? (What happened, where am I and who are you?)

Alfredo: Soy Alfredo y esa es mi hermana Sofía.

Sofia: Hola. (Hello) *smiled as she waved at him*

Alfredo: Te encontramos aquí cerca de nuestra cueva, completamente inconsciente. (We found you here close to our cave, all knocked out.)

Sofia: Y estas muy magullado. (And you're heavily bruised)

Her paw points at Marcus' chest as he had a large red mark, one caused after a headbutt by Iker.

Marcus: Estaba cazando cabras montesas y me golpeó la cabeza con uno y-(I was ibex hunting and got headbutted by one and-)

Sofia: ¡Eso fue peligroso! Podrías haberte lastimado, ¿tienes idea de lo fuertes que son esos cabezazos? Tienes tanta suerte de no estar muerto, humano. Oh, por cierto, ¿cómo te llamas? (That was dangerous! You could've hurt yourself, do you have any idea how strong those headbutts of theirs are. You are so lucky that you aren't dead, human-Oh what is your name by the way?) *sheepish smile*

Marcus: *looked at his bruise* Marcus...

Alfredo: ¿Estás solo o con un grupo de otros humanos? (Are you alone or with a group of other humans?)

Marcus' eyes widened as he realized that the others were on their own. He then quickly got up while grunting due to the chest pain.

Alfredo: ¡Oye, oye! Siéntate, ¿adónde vas humano? (Hey hey! Sit down, where are you going human?)

Marcus: ¡Mi grupo necesita que regrese su líder! A mí (My group need their leader back! Me)

Alfredo: *deadpanned look* Los humanos podemos ser estúpidos...(Humans can be stupid...)

Sofia was thinking otherwise, she was impressed by Marcus' will to go forward despite the injury he had recieved. She had a smirk.

Alfredo: *noticed* ¿Por qué estás mirando así? (Why are you staring like that?)

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