Chapter 38: Texas Roughhousing part 1

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Luke: Texas here we come!!!

The teen yelled out as he was on the back seat while beside him were two rifles and a hunting bag.

While on the front seat Dario was driving while Banny was looking at the window, she saw a sign that read "Welcome to Houston"

Banny: It's good to be back home!

Dario: Yeah, glad to be back here Banny. I might pay a visit to my cousin later on.

Luke: Wait you have a relative here in Texas? You sure have a diverse family tree.

Dario: Yeah, her name is Janet and she comes from my dad's side of the family tree.

Banny: I've seen her once you talked with her when we met back right?

Dario: Yeah she's the one Banny.

The red wolf smiled as she nodded her head.

Banny: I can't hold my excitement that we're back home in Texas, I wanna hike so badly!

Luke: Oh we will Banny while we hunt down trophies right Dario?

Dario: Yeah the list isn't too complicated to say the least. I hope you're ready for round 2 Luke.

Luke: Let's just hope it's not as horrible as how it was in Siberia.

The vehicle stopped at a red light, Dario then turned to face Luke.

Dario: Stay strong Luke, back in Siberia it was a test from Seth to see if you can handle it and you got that grit.

Banny: *turns around* Yeah, Dario told me how great of a hunter you are at home.

Luke: Aww really? I actually doubted myself if I performed horribly or something. But I guess I didn't.

Dario: Don't take it hard Luke you still got a lot to-

He was cut off by tapping on the window behind him, the trio turned to see that a man that was fair skinned, had brown cowlicked hair and blue eyes, he was in a brown business suit with a brown and yellow striped tie and underneath was a white collar shirt, he held a clipboard in his hand.

Dario lowered the window to talk with the man.

Dario: Hello there how can I help you?

Tom: Hi there, I'm Tom Bengali, would you like to sign my petition?

He then pointed at his clipboard that had the petition in it.

Dario: What's the petition about?

Tom: You're a hunter right? Like I can see you have the clothing.

Dario: Yeah?

Banny's expression changed to one of anger and disgust when she saw Tom.

Tom: Well this petition will make you change your mind, it's to help save the jaguars here in Texas, recently they made a come back here in our state and as a conservationist I wanna see these big cats rise back up and I don't wanna see them get hunted down.

Banny: I mean...I have been seeing more jaguars come to Texas before.

Tom: So what do you say humble hum-I mean fellow, would you sign the petition?

Dario: I mean sure why-

He was interrupted by a loud car horn from behind.

Guy: HEY! Move it lose it fuckface!

Banny growled back as Dario sighed and calmed down.

Dario: Sorry Tom we're in a hurry but maybe if I see you again I might sign it.

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