African Arc Chapter 135: Limpopo Lunacy

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We see Dario and Zenith still sitting on the hilltop watching the rainbow, until it fades away.

Dario: So you Zenith, no matter the darkness you're dealing with just know that in every person there is a rainbow.

Zenith: *smiled* You think so? I always believed my life was gray and dull.

Dario: Oh silly we're not in the 1930's, it's not all black and white. You're just too scared to come out of your shell. You may have large horns but that doesn't define who you are, and I am the first to accept you for it.

The kudu couldn't help but smile, she turned back into her human form and hugged Dario's chest tightly. The hunter couldn't help as he caressed her hair softly.

But then something caught Dario's eye, which changed his expression from happy to serious.

Dario: Hold on Zenith...

Zenith: Hmm what is it?

Dario then aimed his rifle and view with the telescope to see Bart who loaded tranquilizer darts in his rifle. He then aimed it at a direction. The Americo-Macedonian puts down his rifle and looked to see it was aimed at Zenith.

Dario: Zenith watch out!

He pushed Zenith aside as then a tranquilizer dart nearly hit her.

Zenith: *scared and shaky* W-what's going on...?

Dario: Poachers...

Bart: The fuck?! That guy pushed the thing away!

Mark: Fire again sir!

Dario then fired back with a bullet and hits the glass window which shattered and scattered to distract the poachers.

Dario: Two can play that game you fuckers.

Zenith then turned out her kudu form and began running away.

Dario: Zenith wait up!

He ran after her.

Bart: They're getting away, start driving Mark!

Mark then stepped on the gas and began driving after the running hunter and kudu.

Dario: Zenith! Listen to me, you gotta hide!

Zenith: Yeah but where?

Dario looked around to see there were no bushes or caves to hide in, it was an open zone. He then quickly turned around to see the poachers following them.

Dario: Oh you gotta be...

He then stopped and aimed his rifle and shot down one of the wheels which made it stop at the edge of the river.


The two jumped out of the vehicle as it fell down the water.

Bart: Get that bastard!

Dario: *yelled out* Who the hell are you?!

Bart: Bart Van Ness, Netherlands' best ivory distributor. And you're in my way to the big bucks!

Dario: She's not for sale! She's a free spirit!

Bart didn't listen as he fired at Dario who began dodging and rolling pass the bullets before running away.

Bart: After him you idiot!

He and Mark ran after and kept shooting at Dario.

Meanwhile in the forest, Katherine and Rakezh managed to hear gun shots.

Rakezh: Gun shots!

Katherine: That must be Dario, without a doubt he's gotten himself into trouble again.

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