African Arc Chapter 129: Big One Part 1

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Mozambique, a country that's located on the southeast part of Africa. A former Portugese colony, now enrichened with a vast wilderness and various animals and cultures to learn and explore.

We currently see Dario who was accompanied by Francisca as the two wore safari themed clothing as they were crossing through a village in Mozambique that had the last reported sighting of said maneater that was tasked to take down.

As they cross they could see just how poor and normadic the village is. Francisca now had some worry in her face.

Francisca: Are you sure this is the right place?

Dario: Absolutely, Seth said the guy lives here.

Francisca: This place is a literal pigsty, I don't know human standards but these people look-

Dario: Poor, yes I know. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in not just Africa, but the entire world, sitting down at the bottom 10.

Francisca: That's...rough...

Dario: Tell me about it. We should be cautious around these parts.

Francisca: You don't need to tell me twice ginger boy, let's just find the guy, kill that thing and get outta here. I wouldn't want our piglets to worry about their mom.

Dario: And you tell me you're a rebel huh?

Francisca: *small blush* Shut it...

The duo approached a nearby hut, Dario knocked on the door. The duo were greeted by a dark skinned man that was wearing typical farmer clothing.

Man: Óla. (Hello)
Dario: *to Francisca* Ok like how we agreed on.

Francisca: Got it.

Dario turned to the man with a friendly smile.

Dario: Hello, we are the hunters sent to deal with the maneater.

Francisca: Olá, somos os caçadores enviados para lidar com o maneater.

The man smiled and stepped out of the shed.

Man: Oh, graças a Deus que está aqui. Graças aos deuses! Vou levá-lo ao último avistamento de onde o crocodilo foi avistado.

Francisca: He said he's gonna take us to where the croc was last spotted.

Dario: Right. Lead the way.

The scene changed to a mangrove area, most of it was a marsh and there was a small part of the savannah.

The sun was grazing the lands and shining on nearly anything with barely any shade.

We see Dario and Francisca lead by the farmer to the last spotting. The duo wore sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sun, while the farmer wore a straw hat.

Man: O último aldeão que levou foi uma mulher quando estava a lavar a roupa e aparentemente desapareceu sem deixar rasto.

Dario: What is he saying?

Francisca: He's telling us about how the last villager was a woman that vanished without a trace.

Dario: Vanish without a trace huh. This should be something.

The man stopped and pointed at a direction. At said direction was the marsh, there were crocodiles and hippos who were in the water minding their own business and cooling off.

Man: Isto é o máximo que posso ir, a besta foi avistada lá antes de desaparecer na água. Por favor, matem-no para que a nossa aldeia possa descansar em paz?

Francisca: Welp, this is as far he could go Dario. He said this is the last spotting.

Man: Boa sorte. *left*

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