African Arc Chapter 139: Blood Diamond

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We see Reza who was standing around waiting, then we see the baboons returning and presumably the alpha of their troops approaching the lion. Turning into a human, it being a male with dark skin and wearing African tribal clothing and a necklace made of teeth around its neck.

Reza: What happened Moussa?

Moussa: We failed to catch them sir.

Reza: Drats!

Moussa: Ok now where is the diamond you promised me? You're gonna have to pay for our services.

Reza: Oh you'll get it soon, be patient my little primate friend.

Back to the group, they were roaming the savannahs of the national park with Stella and Reine.

Reine: And that's how I busted them baboons last week, boy you should've seen the look on their faces.

Katherine: We couldn't cause we weren't there last week, blue.

Reine: Meh, your loss.

Stella: So how's family life like?

Dario: Well it's great, what about you guys?

Stella: do I put this...

Reine: It's shit. Absolute shit.

Drusilla: How so?

Reine: Cause my dumbass dad is forcing me to marry some rando lion that he and mom met not too long ago.

Dario: Forced marriage? They're basically giving you off huh?

Stella: You could say that.

Dario: Well in human laws that is like considered a crime, but I'm not sure this applies to animals let alone trophies like you guys.

Stella: Well yeah, lion pride laws are different technically making this legal.

Reine: I'll say the laws suck ass.

Katherine: *smug* Maybe they're sending you away so you stop being a beast.

Reine: Oh is that so squirt? Well try and be in my shoes and be forced to marry someone you don't even know, hell I bet the guy I'm paired with sucks.

Katherine: *sigh* Trust me...I've been in a similar situation...rather not delve on it...

Stella: Understandable. I respect your privacy.

She looked at Dario with a look of interested.

Stella: So...Is having a beard the human equivalent to a male lion having a mane~?

Dario: You could say that, altho nowhere near nor big as a lion mane it's a natural part of human men. Tho unlike lionesses wanting a male with the biggest mane or whatever, with us humans some females prefer if the males don't have beards.

Stella: I see.

She turned to Katherine and Drusilla.

Stella: How do you prefer him? Beard or no beard?

Drusilla: I don't mind the beard.

Katherine: Sometimes I wish he can shave it, kissing him can be scratchy at times.

Dario: Maybe later in the future, I dunno.

Reine: You definitely rock this look not gonna lie.

Dario: Thanks-

Reine: Don't get it twisted man, doesn't change the fact you're tiny compared to me and my sister~.

Katherine could just growl at Reine who had a smug.

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