Chapter 58: Swamp Rumble part 1

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Scene showed Everglades city once more, Seth sent Dario there once more to hunt as a start after the New Years celebrations.

He was accompanied by one his girlfriends Peekon, simply because it's where she came from and would be a great asset to scout out trophies in the swamps.

We see the duo as they were having a little coffee and donut break as they were nearby a golf course area.

Dario: Here ya go Peeky, do hope you enjoy.

Peekon: Thanks Dary.

She took her donut and began slowly eating it.

Peekon: These are delicious, you know we should try and make some at home with the others.

Dario: Y'know that actually may not be a bad idea if you ask me. Donuts can be a treat if done correctly.

Peekon: Mhm, they're sweet...Imagine if you were one. *teased*

Dario: Oh you wanna play that game, eh Mrs Bacon~? You know bacon glazed donuts exist.

Peekon: *surprised* Eh? That's absolutely disgusting, imagine mixing sweet, salty and smoky all together.

???: Absolutely not! That has got to be one of the most GOATED donut flavors of all time.

They turned around to see where the voice came from and they saw none other than...

Donald Trump.

Dario: Oh god no...

Peekon: Um who's this?

Trump: What do you mean you don't know who I am? I am Donald Trump, former and soon to be again president of the US, I'm the greatest man to be alive. And here you are saying that you don't recognize the most iconic US president of all time.

Peekon felt uncomfortable and looked away.

Dario: Don't take it hard Mr Trump, she's not much into politics.

Trump: Whatever, back to discussion. Bacon glazed donuts are good for health, the grease is healthy for your blood, that's what my personal nutritionist said.

Dario: Well I like coffee flavoured nut donuts.

Trump: Ew, what are you vegan?

Dario: I'm a hunter, do I really look like I'm vegan?

Trump: You're a hunter? Pft, ha! Got a liscence kid?

Dario showed his liscence to Trump who examined it, Peekon then whispered to the hunter.

Peekon: Why are we standing with this guy? Let's just go and hunt the trophies.

Dario: We could but I wanna stay a bit and watch this guy clown himself as always.

Trump: So...Mr Vasilov-

Dario: Just call me Dario.

Trump: Whatever, your name sounds Russian.

Dario: Dude, I'm not even Russian. I was born here.

Trump: Yeah yeah yeah, since you're born here do you know the American national anthem? If so sing it.

The Americo-Macedonian raised a brow in confusion, Peekon looked dumbfounded.

Peekon: Really? I've known him since childhood to confirm he's American. You know what, former president or not, you're a huge sack of piss. Go back from whatever human thing you were doing, you're wasting our time as it is.

Trump: I will not listen to a peon who-

He was cut off by Dario who put a hand on his chest and started singing the anthem.

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