Chapter 120: Camp

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The scene cuts to Luke and Night Howler who were on their side searching for the emus, but no cigar.

Luke: Damn...I feel like we've been running circles Nyx...

Night Howler: Seems like it. Try and call Dario to see their progress.

Luke nods as he pulled out his walkie talkie to contact Dario.

Luke: Dario, this is Luke. Over.

No response, which concerned the two.

Luke: Dario, is everything alright?

No response again, the duo looked at one another.

Luke: Shit! He won't pick up damn it!

Night Howler: Something must've happened to them. Ugh! Welcome to Australia, the place where anything here can happen.

Luke: Like that?

He pointed at a direction, Night Howler turned around to see emus who were basically a dark brown colored echidna. The marsupial began fighting back.

Night Howler: Hey! Leave him alone!

She ran towards the scene.

Luke: Nyx!

The emus looked at the dingo trophy running towards them with an angry look, they began running away. Night Howler stopped right next to the echidna.

Night Howler: Come back you cowards!

???: Night Howler?

The dingo turned to the echidna, the two seemed to recognize each other.

Night Howler: Basher? Oh my god, it's been a bloody while!

The two hugged it out. Luke arrived to the scene, he felt a bit jealous.

Luke: Ahem!

The two looked at the hunter.

Basher: A hunter?!

Night Howler: No no, no need to be alarmed. He's with me. Meet Luke, he's my boyfriend.

The echidna in shock glared the dingo.

Basher: You? Dating a human?

Luke: Yeah, for a while now.

Basher: Ah I see, that is why you were absent from Australia these past few months. We thought that Water Horror must've claimed your life in his wretched waters.

Night Howler: No ya lil spikeball, I was living with Lukey in America for a while tho and it's fun there.

Luke: Wait...who's we?

Basher: Child, this is a discussion between me and the dingo.

Luke: Who are you calling a child, you dumb nerfed version of a porcupine!

Night Howler: *got between them* Boys boys! No need to fight!

Luke: I just wanted to know who he meant by "we".

Night Howler: He means my friends group, Basher here is a part of it.

Basher: Indeed, no need for hostilities child.

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