Chapter 65: Road Trip

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After the secret was revealed to Seth, who surprisingly had no qualms or issues about Dario dating trophies he allowed the latter to keep them and gave him a promotion.

We then see Seth driving his own vehicle while Dario, Cottonwood, Scruffy and Twerp are outside looking at him.

Seth: Alright, as we speak Rakezh is on his way and will soon join you guys. You'll be going to Nevada now. I got the dead trophies you killed in the back. Once you're done in Nevada I'll call you.

Cottonwood: Nevada? We have to pass Utah to get there, aka my home.

Dario: Yeah, we'll have a fun road trip along the way. We'll meet up with Rakezh sir.

Seth: Good, best luck in hunting, and who knows...maybe you'll find someone that peeks your interest Dario~. *winsk*

Dario: *blushes* Oh stop it haha.

Seth: Cya around.

He left them.

Scruffy: So you're gonna go to Nevada? I heard it's hot in there.

Dario: Yeah.

Twerp: Scruffy, what's Nevada?

Scruffy: State.

Twerp: What's that?

Scruffy: Kiss my pale ass jackass, bite me!

Twerp being the goofball he knelt down and was going to kiss her, but Dario stopped him by standing between the two.

Dario: Ok break it up you two. No kissing anyone's ass.

Cottonwood: Ironic when you love to kiss mine~.

Dario: W-we don't talk about that! Anyways let's go Cottonwood.

The two were about to go but Scruffy grabbed Dario's hand.

Dario: Hm? Scruffy, what's up?

Scruffy: What do you mean what's up? I want in?

Dario: Huh?

Scruffy: I'm coming along in this road trip of yours.

Cottonwood: Why?

Scruffy: I'm curious to how you're gonna hunt in Nevada, oh and *points at Twerp* it's better I go with you guys than be stuck with this jackass.

Twerp: *derp face* I like butter toast.

Dario: I see what you mean.

Cottonwood: But we can't just leave him alone, especially with no guide, he could easily get killed.

Scruffy: That was Sinister's problem, not mine.

Cottonwood: But I don't want Twerp to be left alone, like maybe we can get him in our road trip too!

Twerp: Yes please!

Scruffy: Wha-HELL NO!!

The deer trophy turned to the hunter.

Cottonwood: Dary, can we take Twerp with us?

Dario: I don't know, but I gotta say he can be quite the liability and plus he-

Cottonwood flashed him the puppy eyes with a sad smile. Dario tried to resist, but quickly failed.

Dario: Alright fine, he can come along.


Scruffy: Ugh, simp...

Dario: Pot calling the kettle black? Last time I checked you rushed in my defense earlier and then when I left you ran up to me.

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