European Arc, Chapter 110: Verdant

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Dario, Mondi and the Scottish quartet were inside the airport as they were waiting for the others to arrive.

Okami: Dat air hostess wos rude.

Dario: I mean, French people are always stereotyped as rude-

A man walking by heard this, angered by the remark.

Man: Hmph! *walks off*

Shirogami: Guess dat wasn't exaggerated now was it. *grin*

Dario: *sigh* Wish Phantasm was here so she could translate us French, I know a bit yes but I kinda struggle.

Mythal: I think ye did yer best Dari, you should be proud of yerself for at least trying.

Whitney: Agreed, there's nothing to fret about.

Mondi: I never knew a dark sky would always look like that.

They all turned to see a dark/ash grey sky like never before, this could only mean one thing.

Dario: These guys are fast.

Okami: Without a doubt dey're probably recruiting more animals, dose rivers are infected right?

Shirogami: No doubt he has all rivers under his control. Makes me think what he's gonna do with all de other continents once he's through with us-

Dario: Never say never Shiro, we're not giving up that easily. If he wants all of my kind gone he'll have to go through us.

Okami: You owe us all big time for dis, got it?

Dario: A gentleman keeps his word Kami~? *winks*

The wolf looked away with a small blush, Shirogami had a smirk, Whitney smirked as well with a hand on her hip and Mythal had a dreamy look on her face.

Mondi: Hooooooo djalë...(Hoooooo boy)

The scene changed to a dark colored ibex with brown accents over the head that was ontop of a hilltop, it was eating grass and minding its own business.

But then it sees a female white and grey colored badger with cobalt blue eyes running across the field whilst panting, the badger saw the ibex and began begging for help.

Badger: S'il vous plaît, vous devez me cacher ! Je suis pourchassé! (Please you have to hide me, I'm being hunted!)

The ibex was confused before speaking revealing that it was a female.

Ibex: Traqué? De quoi? (Hunted? From what?)

Badger: Un élan! (A moose!)

Ibex: *confused* Élan? Ne sois pas stupide, cette partie de la France n'en a pas. (Moose? Don't be stupid, this part of France doesn't have them)

Suddenly they heard loud footsteps coming from the direction the badger came.

The badger ran off and hid away somewhere.

Suddenly Jäger came out, he began sniffing the air for scent. He then saw the ibex.

Jäger: You there, have you seen a badger run away?

Ibex: Et qui es-tu cense ětre? (And who are you supposed to be?)

The moose was confused as he didn't understand what she said.

Jäger: Nevermind....

He walked passed the ibex.

Ibex: Hmph!

But she could notice something from the moose's mouth, black tar was dripping down as it stained the grass. It grossed her out before walking away.

Ibex: Dégoûtant....est-ce qu'il a la rage...?(Disgusting...does he have rabies...?)

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