European Arc, Chapter 80: Foxy Frenzy

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We see Ricardo who was finished scaring off Mario's wolves with his various fighting techniques, he was one rough and tough mouflon to take down.

The trophy spun his staff before looking behind to see no one was behind. He then thought of Dario who was on the run with Mario in pursuit.

Ricardo: Hang in there child, I will try my best to find you before Mario does.

The scene changed to various wolves around the forest, they were seen destroying various dens, habitats and homes that belonged to animals. We see Mario being the one to lead the charge.

Mario: Destrua tudo se for preciso, descubra onde está o maldito humano. Vamos destruir esta floresta só para que eu possa colocar a cabeça dele no meu prato! (Destroy everything if you have to, find out where the damn human is. We'll tear this very forest just so I can have his head on my plate!)

He then sees a couple of his wolves destroying a home that belonged to a family of hedgehogs. Then he turned around and nodded to a wolf who head butted a tree and from it a red squirrel fell down and landed on the ground and then ran away.

Mario howled loudly signaling for his wolves to continue the search.

Unknown to them, they were watched by Francisca and Fernando as they saw everything and the continuation of a possible deforestation.

Fernando: Damn, your hunch was correct, these bozos are wreckin' our homes!

Francisca: Keep it down, they'll hear us.

Fernando: Sorry it's just....I hate what they're doin' to our forest...all because of some monkey.

Francisca: Y'know, none of this wouldn't have started if you hadn't treated that "monkey" horribly.

Fernando: Hey, I'm lookin' out for my people here, not for some bidepal jackass to come in here and hunt em down.

Francisca: Yeah, no doubt you were the one that ratted him out to Mario in the first place.

Fernando: Did not!

Francisca: Whatever, let's just go and find him.

Fernando: Fine, let's search for your boyfriend.

Francisca: He is NOT my boyfriend!

Fernando: Then why are we lookin' for him? *smug*

The boar was silent and she looked away with a small blush across her face.

Fernando: I mean what do you see in the chimp?

Francisca: He's fun to mess with ok? Plus...I gotta thank the guy for helping me out with something personal....

The deer's expression cringed as he knew what she meant.

Fernando: Spare me the details for the love of-

Then they heard chirping beside them, the duo turned to see a pair of rabbits who looked hurt and dirty.

Fernando: Oh poor you guys, here lemme help.

He kneeled down to the rabbits and pulled out some grass and herbs from his pocket and lets them eat from his hand. The rabbits obliged to this, making the deer trophy smile.

Francisca couldn't help but snicker at this gesture, Fernando noticed.

Fernando: Not funny!

Francisca: You claim to be this tough mafioso like guy yet you got a soft spot for rabbits.

Fernando: Don't blame me, blame Mario for bein' the sole cause of a potential deforestation.

Francisca: Whatever.

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