European Arc, Chapter 96: Plague of Madness

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The scene changed to Faust who was whistling and walking around the forest, with an empty flask at hand.

Then he smelled something bad in the air.

Faust: Eww, chair pourrie...(Eww, rotten flesh)

He then heard the sounds of bones cracking, meat being torn apart and chewed from afar along with dark moans.

Faust creeped out and disturbed, he decided to investigate. He went to where the sounds were made and he was treated to a sight.

He saw Jäger, in his true form. His mouth, antlers and feet were covered in blood. He was feasting on the corpse of a dead boar, ripping out a huge chunk of flesh.

The moose then bit one of the legs of the boar and tore it off quickly, before swallowing it whole.

Faust: *visibly disturbed* Jäger.....?

The moose turned around, glaring at the deer with a red glowing pupil and black void eyes.

Faust then was about to run but Jäger turned into his human form and rested a knee on the ground and changing his behavior to normal.

Jäger: Do not go...I won't hurt you...I don't hurt people associate with me or my lord...

Faust: Huh? Anyways I finished the job, and why are you eating a boar?

Jäger: To put it's like a new instict...a new craving...after I poured my lord's water onto my eyes.

Faust: That's what the water does? *looks the flask*

Jäger: The side effects are random, I just garnered a taste for flesh and I gained night vision. Did you drink some as well...?

Faust: No no, I'm good monsiuer Jäger, I am not interested in this witchcraft you and your lord are planning...

The moose chuckled darkly before getting up.

Jäger: It's no witchcraft Faust, it's our own little Plague of Madness. Changes animals like me in terms of behavior, but can kill humans instantly with just one touch. But best of all, all animals that drink are connected to Vlad, like puppets on strings and they'll grow to hate humans like him.

Faust was both surprised but then chuckled.

Faust: Plague of Madness? *laughs* I like the sound of that!

Jäger: Good, come now. Let's move, we have other places to spread the wisdom of Vlad. *walks passed Faust*

Faust: *sarcastic* Yippee, go team go. *eyeroll*

Suddenly a rope was launched at Jäger and one of his antlers were caught.

Jäger: Що?! (What?!)

More ropes were launched at him, like hooks stabbing his body.

Then from around various bushes came out Sebastian, Gemini, Rakezh and the wolf pack.

Faust: Oh non, je sors d'ici! (Oh no I'm out of here!) *runs away*

He runs away.

Jäger: Coward!

Sebastian: So, you're the moose that's responsible for infecting our waters?

Rakezh: That's the guy alright, he almost killed me.

Gemini: *angry* Tu hijo del puta (You son of a bitch), how dare you try that on him!

She spits at Jäger who had a smirk.

Jäger: It's over...we've already won...

The scene changed to the mountain spring area, other animals were present and using the springs, while Iker was guarding the area.

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