African Arc Chapter 134: Breathtaking

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The scene changed to Dario who was running as he narrowly escaped the wrath of Gustave and an elephant herd all together. He was now in a forest environment.

Dario: I have to find Kat and Rakezh...

Suddenly it began raining around the savannah he was in, the clouds were now grey and rain began pouring.

Dario: And it's raining...just what I needed...

The scene changed to Katherine and Rakezh who were still patrolling and trying to find Dario but no sign whatsoever as they were in an open savannah.

They would see herds of zebra, buffalo, wildebeest, and especially elephants all roaming around.

Katherine: This is ridiculous...

Rakezh: Calm yourself, we'll find the redhead in shining armor for ya.

Katherine rolled her eyes at the way the leopard referred Dario as.

The rain managed to make it to the savannah and it also started to pour down.

Rakezh: And it's raining...great...

He scoffed.

Katherine: Lemme guess you hate water? You afraid you might get wet~.

Rakezh: Leopards prefer water, I'm not like most cats who hate it.

Katherine: Well maybe you should've jumped into the water to save Dario before he got sent down by the waterfall.

Rakezh: It was too risky as we were close to danger, plus that armored reptile in the water didn't help either.

Katherine: Fair enough-

Then suddenly they heard a loud gunshot dad away, it echoed to where they were.

The duo turned to see an elder elephant fall down the ground with a large thud. This scared all the other animals who chose to flee.

Katherine: Oh no, poor thing!

Rakezh remained quiet as he stared at the now dead elephant, but his eyes told a different story...he was seething...

Then a safari vehicle drove and stopped at the elephant carcass. From it three men came out, one was holding a rifle while the other carried buzzsaws.

Katherine: *widened eyes* Are those-

Rakezh: *venom in his voice* Poachers...

His hands curled into fists as he stared at the 3 men who approached and stopped at the carcass. The two men activated their buzzsaws and started to slowly saw off the ivory tusks from the elephant.

Rakezh: *growled* You make me sick...

Katherine: What are you talking about-

Rakezh cut her off and grabbed Katherine's rifle with force.

Katherine: HEY! Rakezh!

Rakezh didn't respond and aimed the rifle and managed to shoot one of the men in the head and killed them. The other two were freaked out and turned around to see Rakezh and Katherine from afar.

Man: Who the hell are they, Bart?

Bart: *in a Dutch accent* A couple of intruders that want a gunfight for interrupting our business, that's what.

Rakezh angrily fired more bullets at the men, but the two retreated back to their safari vehicle and drove off.

Katherine: Give me that! *snatched her rifle back* What's gotten into you all of a sudden?!

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