Chapter 51: Double Whammy

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The scene changed to Seth's mansion.

We see Dario and Rakezh outside the estate with the leopard showing signs of worry and anxiety.

Dario: Dude, you ok?

Rakezh: Y-yeah, I'm fine..

Dario: I can tell you're not, lemme guess you're afraid if he doesn't hire you and you have to go back to India huh?

Rakezh: Geee, what else could it be then Mr Ivanovski? Of course that!

Dario: Chill dude, besides, Seth is a pretty chill guy, if he can let his 16 year old nephew hunt alongside then I'm sure he can let you in on the team.

Rakezh: How much people are in on the hunting team?

Dario: Well there's me, his nephew Luke, and finally Marcus who's from Belgium but he's injured right now.

Rakezh: Right, let's do-

Dario: Oh looks he's coming out!

He then pointed at Seth who got out of his mansion and was walking down the stares, the latter saw Dario and Rakezh.

Seth: Dario! Good to see you again, and who's that?

Dario: This is my friend Rakezh Kumar, he's an immigrant from India and he's looking for a job.

Rakezh: Hello sir nice to meet you.

He extends his hand for a handshake and waited for Seth's response. The latter smiled before offering a fist bump.

Seth: No need for that, a simple fist bump can do it.

Rakezh: Oh umm sorry. *fist bumps Seth*

Seth: So what can I do for you?

Rakezh: I wanna be an employed contract hunter like Dario here, y'know to make a living and travel across the globe.

Dario: Yeah he is eager to join me on hunts, I saw him with my rifle and he's a good shooter.

Seth: Good shooter huh? Perhaps I can invite you in shooting clay pidgeons with me one day.

Rakezh: That would be...nice?

Dario: And yeah since it's my day off I was like why not bring him around to your place for terms and negotiations.

Seth: Tell you what, your offer to work for me interests me, I'll keep it in mind. Right now I have go for an appointment with a friend of mine that will join you in your adventure in Canada.

Dario: A friend? What's his name?

Seth: You'll see for yourself in a few days, all I'll say is that he's quite the artist when it comes to food.

Dario: Gordon Ramsay?

Seth: Close but no cigar haha. Anyways you can come back in a few hours back in my mansion and we can finalize the deal. Cya boys!

He entered inside his limo before the drive took off with him. Rakezh was estatic.

Rakezh: Woooooooo! I'm gonna get hired baby! Thank you Vishnu! *looks up in the air and blew a kiss*

Dario: Hehe, now that's gonna get settled in a few hours how do you feel like returning home and relax before we go.

Rakezh: Sounds good, but I was hoping we go for a celebration when I get hired. Can we like go to some Indian themed restaurant here in your city to celebrate?

Dario: Sure why not, I mean it's YOUR celebration.

Rakezh: That's what I'm talking about! I know Akilla will like it but I just hope the rest of the girls are in the mood for some Indian quisine, Asia is known for its vast variety.

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