European Arc, Chapter 105: Exile Bleed

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The scene changed to Sima and Renfield who were walking back to Duke's lair. The wildcat trophy wasn't all to happy with the red deer ignoring his strategical planning.

Sima: Stom en ondankbaar hert! Zijn hoofd was in de wolken, we hadden de openingskans om de regels te buigen, maar hij verkwistte het allemaal! (Stupid and ungrateful stag! His head was in the clouds, we had the opening chance to bend the rules but he squandered it all!)

Renfield on the other hand found delight in Sima's rage, sporting a smirk.

Sima: Renfield, if you were in Duke's shoes would you follow with my thinking?

Renfield could only shrug.

Sima: What do you mean you don't know?! You want me to leak your secret to Vlad?

Renfield's smug turned to an angry face.

Sima: Heh, that's what I thought-

Renfield then points to the flask that Sima had in his pocket.

Sima: Oh yeah, I was supposed to add it to the river huh?

Renfield nods before crossing his arms, the wildcat pulled out the flask as he stared at it.

Sima: You know....I think I should give it a little rest run first, what do you think?

Renfield shrugged again, this time having a smirk which only annoyed Sima even more.

Sima: WILL it at least give me powers or some sort?

The chamois nods as Sima grinned like a maniac, thinking of the many possibilities.

Sima: Very well then hahahaha! I shall use it on myself, stand back!

He then opened the flask and poured 1/4 of it on himself, making the wildcat groan and yell more in agony for a few seconds before opening his eyes to show that the pupils were red with veins surrounding it. He gained a couple of veins around his face and exposed body parts from his cloak.

Sima: *maniacal laugh* Yes! YEEESSS!! I can feel the power haha-

???: Finally, it took you long enough.

Sima was spooked but realized who it was, the voice was heard in his mind.

Sima: Vlad?

Vlad: I was beginning to worry of you either helping me with my goal. But judging by your sudden shock, I take it that you are playing around with my essence?

Sima: N-no no! I was just testing it to see what I have! Me and Renfield are about to pour it into the water but there are these boars that are patrolling the river current and could prevent us.

Vlad: I can also sense you two aren't the only ones in this operation.

Sima: Yeah, we have an acquaintance of mine who as well is interested in joining our cause to destroy all humans. But he's not here right now.

Vlad: Very well, I'm on my way to see your progress. You better pray that I don't find you in your usual know what happens to people that disappointed me, right Renfield?

Renfield who was sweating a bit could nod at Sima who looked at him and gulped.

Sima: I understand Vlad, we'll do our best. But there's also another problem.

Vlad: Which is?

Sima: We have seen a human and two animals not native here talk to the boars about something.

Vlad: Heh, I'm not surprised that they're actively trying to stop me. Like I said I'm on my way, just do your job.

Vlad then disappeared from Sima's mind, the wildcat gulped.

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