African Arc Chapter 133: Elusive Catch

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Botswana, an African nation located in Southern Africa. Known extensively for the Limpopo river, the Kalahari Desert, its many animal reserves and most known for it having the largest elephant population in all of Africa, nearing around 130-150k. Which got the name "Land of the Giants".

In this land of giants we see the trio of Dario, Katherine and Rakezh. The trio were nearby the Limpopo river.

Rakezh: does the crocodile look like?

Dario: 30ft long, has scars around his body, and has a very bloody muzzle. Or in a more comical sense imagine something straight out of the days of the dinosaurs.

Rakezh: What a way to describe me the thing we are hunting. What do you think Kat?

No response from Kat, the duo turned around behind to see Katherine as she was examining her own rifle that she had made.

Rakezh: Umm...

Dario: Hey Kat we get it, it's a cool gun you built but right now we have to focus and-

Katherine: Yeah I know just give me a minute!

She then sniffed her rifle once before exhaling with a smile on her face, Rakezh felt uncomfortable and just turned to Dario.

Rakezh: Remind me why she's with us again?

Dario: She wants to support me when I'm hunting, plus she's the adventurous type. She once told me she was tired of waiting and all.

Rakezh: Ok, I get it she's your girlfriend but we're in a mission, not sniff our guns.

Katherine: Well sorry Shadow the Hedgehog, I just admire my finest craftsmanship. I literally had to ask Dario to help buy me parts for it.

Rakezh: Shadow...the Hedgehog? Who the hell is that?

Dario: He's a fictional character from Sonic the Hedgehog, sometimes I put on the show for the kids to watch.

Katherine: Sonic Boom is uncanny yet funny at the same time.

Dario: Not gonna lie Rakezh you definitely fit well as Shadow.

Rakezh: Name the reasons why? I'm waiting.

Katherine: *used her fingers* You act cold like him, try to hard to be edgy, too intense and focus driven, no laughs from you. You're basically him brought to life.

Rakezh: Getting compared to a fictional character is the dumbest thing I heard in all my life...

Dario: Wait until Gemini hears the nickname for you~.


Dario: Oh I will.

Rakezh: Do it and I will gouge your eyes out...

Katherine: Wanna try that with me around pal...?

Dario: Ok ok I was joking fellas litera-

Then they heard a loud battle cry not far away, the trio turned around to see a herd of elephants traveling across the savannah. The herd at least around 25 elephants.

Katherine: That's a lot of elephants.

Rakezh: Look there's more of them!

He points to another herd of elephants that was actually nearby them.

Rakezh: We need to hide.

Dario: The question is where to, we're in the open.

One of the elephants, a male could notice them. Once he saw the guns the animal immediately flapped his ears.

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