examine the body

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Next morning at 9:55 am in aot universe 5

Inside the briefing room with commander magath, porco, cetoodle, dozen Marley generals, and koslow who's looking at list of people who know brock and misty they going to talk today, then porco noticed people isn't here today and said to them with confused, "where's pieck, colt, zappy, and fuecoco today?"

Commander magath: "they're at duckberg just explore the city at captain venderquack original universe right now to cheer up Pikachu since last night."

Koslow: "poor little guy, I feel bad for him."

Marley general #1: "you said it koslow."

Porco smile: "that's good."

They continue focus on the list right now and porco feel jealous right at colt spend time with pieck at duckberg cheering up Pikachu along with fuecoco and zappy the iron bundle.

Pokemon universe 3

Vaniville town, kalos region at 10:55 am with section 23 lmv driving in the road with Georgia on the wheel along with bart burns sitting in front seat who surprise the town look beautiful while heading to vaniville town mogue

Dr. Burns: "this town look beautiful and nice in kalos region."

Georgia: "yup and noticed several wanted poster of Serena Yvonne everywhere that we pass by."

Dr. Burns: "good point my dear."

They noticed looker and Lexi  bunny who's waiting for them at outside of vaniville town morgue from the distance when Georgia hit the single goes left to enter the parking to finding parking space.

Lexi: "let's go meet them, detective looker."

Looker: "right."

They enter the parking lot toward parked lmv in 2nd section of parking lot with Georgia and Dr. Stones come out while she holding canon eos 6d mark 2 in her left hand and he holding his doctor bag in his right hand.

Looker: "greetings doc, are you ready to examine the body."

Dr. Burns: "yes sir."

Morgue section

Same male morgue doctor pulled out the body of grace Yvonne begin covered above the chest from morgue rack to reveal huge 3 razor sharp claws scratches at right side of the face.

Dr. Burns scared: "Jesus!"

Looker: "I feel ya, doc."

He dropped the bag on the floor to grab something quick and pulled out scraper tool, he went right side of grace Yvonne begin scrap through one of scare how deep it is make Lexi little bit sick for a moment until he pulled it out to give scared sigh with stern expression on his face, "those scares are very deep through the tissue of her face by someone got sharp claws to slash her in the process really fast."

Lexi: "you think someone got cybernetic arm with sharp claws to kill her lately that fast."

Dr. Burns: "I believe so my dear."

Georgia begin taking the picture of grace Yvonne right face twice when he placed his scraper on examine table and begin crossed his arms, "I believe our friend who's responsible for squashed her fletching who defend her in a second but it's too late the killer got her and killed him after that.

Lexi: " That's explain so much."

Looker: "you said it kid."

Georgia: "yup."

Dr. Burns: "let's back to my universe show the pictures to commander magath and the other inside briefing room."

Looker: "good idea doc."

[New chapter is out for today]

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