trip to section 44

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Vermilion city school at 3:15 pm

In the hallway with goh and Horace walking towards somewhere make Horace become confused in a second until they arrived at empty classroom and goh closed the door behind it, he walk up right side of desk to press red button on the edge make medium serect hatch in middle of the room begun open up to reveal elevator pop up and slide automatic went slide to the right.

Horace: "what the hell?"

Goh: "pretty impassive right."

Both of them went inside elevator with male elevator staff bellhop when elevator door closed as goh said to bellhop, "section 44, boy. Make it snappy." He replied, "you got it mac." He  pulled lever down make elevator goes really fast with goh, Horace, and bellhop flying in mid-air with flashing in a second and stop with trio landed on the floor with feet touched it and the elevator open up again.

Bellhop: "here you go Mac, section 44."

Both of them exit the elevator to section 44 that shocking surprise from Horace to see it when goh introduced him, "buddy, welcome to section 44."

Horace: "it's pretty amazing."

"Thank you kid."

They spotted captain venderquack, iron thrones, atticus, female team star poison grunt, june venderquack, and Cameron as goh said to Horace, "this is Webby venderquack, the head of section 44." Horace said to her with kindness, "very nice to meet you, captain venderquack."

Captain venderquack: "you too kid."

Iron thrones walk up to Horace who's very shock to see iron thorns is resemble to Tyrantiar when give out friendly cry roar that surprise atticus and said, "I think iron thrones like you, kid. You should keep it as your team." He replied, "sure, I love to."

Captain vendequack: "I'm signed you as wild tera pokemon catcher like goh."

Horace: "the what?"

Atticus: "long story kiddo."

Cerculan city at 3:25 pm

Cerculan gym battlefield with daisy feeding gyarados at left side of battlefield water with Pokemon food until she heard a voice next to her, "hey daisy." Both them turn right to see detective porco, cetoddle, and paldean  tauros in aqua breed walking towards them then daisy said to porco with kindness, "hey detective, you check me again, that's sweet."

Porco: "yup, tomorrow at 11:30 am we should take rapidash ride at grassy fields."

Daisy: "sure."

Paldean tauros look down at water when kingdra stick his head out from the water staring at paldean tauros with friendly expression and give friendly cry, "kingdra." Paldean tauros replied back with friendly bull roar that's surprise dasiy.

Dasiy: "aww that paldean tauros and kingdra are buddies now."

Porco: "yup."

[New chapter is out for today]

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