gigantamax in paldea region

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Paldea region 12:15 pm

In middle above the ocean at 16 feet there female jubilee pokemon, togkiss flying along and minding own business going to fly pass by paldea region north paldean sea until an tiny orb Gigantamax energy come out from the cloud toward togkiss.

End of Area two, North Providence

Two poison team star grunts looking for poison type of pokemon to catch until one of them spotted something in Northeast of the ocean for a moment cause him to gasp that alarm another one.

Poison team star grunt: "what's wrong, Damian?"

Damian pull out flare gun from his pocket quick and said, "it's Gigantamax energy that's mean pokemon got absorb by Gigantamax." After putting unknown flare inside and raised it in the air begin a flare in the sky to reveal Gigantamax flare single that give attention at leviancia city, fighting team star base,  poison team star base, and uva academy.

Sasha: "Gigantamax pokemon, here."

Yamper: "yamper."

She raised her hand up with green lantern ring begin to glow make Sasha transform into green lantern scout that surprise everyone bit when she look at gabi, fletching, Falco, yamper, and raboot with a smile, "stay with niccolo. Alright, I'll be back." They nodded their heads to agree with Sasha who flying up in the sky toward Gigantamax pokemon but she didn't come alone because there Danny phantom show left next to her

Green lantern scout: "hey phantom, you can tag along with me too."

Danny: "yup, dictator clavell send me to check it unknown Gigantamax pokemon."

Once they arrived and stop to see Gigantamax togkiss flying toward paldea region with a smile on her face.

Back at Navi squad base

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Back at Navi squad base

Atticus got a plan to help out with two unknown people took out Gigantamax pokemon and he said to the grunts, "I'm going to help them to took out Gigantamax pokemon." Their reaction is shock about atticus going with them to took out Gigantamax pokemon but how exactly then suddenly.

"Greeting humans."

They look up to see authority Digimon, slashAngemon flying down from the sky to the ground perfectly and said to them, "I see you guys got Gigantamax pokemon right."

Male poison team star grunt, "yup. And Atticus want to help with two strangers though."

SlashAngemon: "great, it's dna Digivolve time my friend

Atticus place venipede on Sara right shoulder for safety then she said to him with worried, " Be careful out there, Atticus." He replied, "I will sara." Then suddenly an magical red digital circle appear about Navi squad base in few feet when both of them begin to glow blue and purple aura inside of them.

SlashAngemon: "slashAngemon!"

Atticus: "Atticus!"

They fly up in the sky toward circle with little bit twirling each other, "dna Digivolve to." They fly through the circle cause bright light in a second and faded away to reveal new transform between Atticus and slashAngemon is male angelic in purple and white ninja sleath uniform with purple wings on the back. He begin to speak with slashAngemon and Atticus, "ninjaAngemon!"

Male poison team star grunt: "whoa, that's so cool."

NinjaAngemon flying toward Gigantamax pokemon location to help out two strangers to defeat it.

Gigantamax togkiss fire aura sphere toward Danny phantom and green lantern scout in a second but they get out of the way just in time, when green lantern scout fire green blast from the ring to strike Gigantamax togkiss cause little bit medium critical damage, but still standing.

Green lantern scout: "man! She tough like armor titan back home."

Danny phantom: "yup."

"Kunai barrage!"

An barrage of magical kunai pass them fast toward Gigantamax togkiss with a strike cause half medium critical damage when they turned around to see ninjaAngemon toward them and said, "you guys need some help!" Danny phantom noticed the voice of Atticus, the leader of team star poison and said, "yeah, thank you for helping us, Atticus."

Green lantern scout: "wait Atticus? The leader of team star poison at tagtree thicket."

NinjaAngemon: "yeah."

Green lantern scout: "neat, let's defeat that Gigantamax pokemon."

NinjaAngemon: "you got it."

Just then Gigantamax togkiss fire Shadow ball toward them really fast but they spilt up just in time when Danny phantom fire tiny energy blast from his finger to hit Gigantamax togkiss with small amount of damaged and ninjaAngemon doing hand signs in a second and stop with ding sound.

NinjaAngemon: "great fireball blast!"

He blew great fireball from his mouth straight to Gigantamax togkiss with a strike cause heavily critical damage make Gigantamax beam shoot up in dark Gigantamax sky that's surprised everyone from paldea region when Damian place unknown flare inside flare gun quick and place in the air begin fire yellow flare single in the sky to single every poison team star grunt somewhere in  the forest begin fire yellow flare in the sky too.

Uva academy

Anbu noticed every yellow flare in sky from east Providence that's mean they defeat Gigantamax togkiss and heard a voice behind him, "did they defeat Gigantamax pokemon." He turned around to see dictator clavell, solon, Bucky Barnes, and Layla green.

Anbu: "yes sir."

Solon: "that's wonderful to hear, my boy."

Back with the group confront togkiss in normal form and ninjaAngemon said to her with calm, "are you okay my flying friend." She give out friendly cry, "togkiss"

Danny: "it's good hear that, girl. You wanna come with me to uva academy for ms. Green keep you as her team."

Togkiss: "togkiss."

Green lantern scout: "alright, while me and Atticus back to levianica city and tagtree thicket."

NinjaAngemon: "sounds great, my lady."

A minute later

Both Danny and togkiss arrived uva academy courtyard with them that's surprised Layla to see rare pokemon, togkiss from sinnoh region.

Dictator clavell smile: "I'm glad you alright my flying friend from awful Gigantamax energy and Ms. Green will take care of you."

Togkiss: "togkiss, togkiss."

Layla pulled out pokeball with her hand to send togkiss inside the pokeball to lock it without struggling then Bucky look at dictator clavell with a smile, "are heading back to section 17 training ground afternoon at flash Sentry original universe to watch cadets doing odm gear training." He replied, "of course mr. Barnes besides I want to meet mayor mare friend, gecko kuro from japony that's all."

Solon: "good idea sir."

[New chapter is out for today]

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