terror in South park

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South Park at 10:21 am

Somewhere in the sky far from the town there flygon just flying and just minding own business until an tiny gigantamax energy orb come out from the cloud toward flygon without him noticed.

Tegridy farm

With Randy fixing his tractor along with jumbo, ned, and Stuart for a moment until the sky turn dark gigantamax purple to block the sunlight for randy.

Randy: "hey, who blocked the sun, it's was you, jumbo."

Jumbo: "no randy, you better look up in the sky now."

He look up to see dark gigantamax purple sky in fear and noticed gigantamax flygon at distance away toward town.

He look up to see dark gigantamax purple sky in fear and noticed gigantamax flygon at distance away toward town

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Randy: "oh...my... God!"

Jumbo: "holy crap that thing is huge."

Then just suddenly a orange portal show in front of them at 7 feet away begin opening up to reveal section 23 northeast corridor with Phoenixkazemon, nick fury, rhinobeetlemon, vision, Falco grice, lobomon, and agent Carter come out from the portal to the farm with them after that the portal closed and to see gigantamax flygon almost arrived at tegridy farm in any minute toward South Park.

Falco look at lobomon with sly grin on his face and said, "it's dna digivolve time, lobomon." He nodded to agree with him then rhinobeetlemon said to them, "me, Phoenixkazemon, and vision will handle that gigantamax flygon as we can."

Falco: "got it rhinobeetlemon."

The three of them fly away towards gigantamax flygon to handle it when red magical digital circle appear above them at 11 feet, on cue for Falco and lobomon begin to glow dark green and light blue aura inside of them.

Randy: "woah! I didn't see that coming."

Falco: "Falco grice!"

Lobomon: "lobomon!"

Both of them fly up in the sky toward the ring with little bit of twirling each other, "DNA digivolve to." They went the circle to cause red light begin to glow up for a second and faded away to reveal the fusion of Falco grice and lobomon is the same lobomon but different like gauntlets are yellow and lavender purple, on left wrist gauntlet got holy ring like turrets, it gloves are same color as the gauntlets. He got two pair of blue sliver wings on his back. He begin to speak with lobomon and Falco grice, "mangalobomon!"

Nick: "that's lobomon ultimate level, mangalobomon. Not bad."

Jumbo: "it's so awesome and beautiful in a same time."

He flying towards gigantamax flygon to join the others when they flying around to dodge that iron tail attack from flygon.

Phoenixkazemon: "ember bullet seed!"

Rhinobeetlemon: "thunderball blast!"

Their attacks straight to gigantamax flygon until he use protect to block the attack from them.

Vision: "oh boy."

Rhinobeetlemon: "crap that gigantamax bastard use protect."

Mangalobomon: "hey guys I'm here."

Rhinobeetlemon: "great, you will help us to take down gigantamax flygon."

He rise his left gauntlet up in front of gigantamax flygon with turrets to aim at it and said, "destiny turret fire!" It begins fire heaven beam blast straight to gigantamax flygon and strike on his face three times to deliver heavy critical damage caused gigantamax beam shoot up to the sky from his head that's surprised Randy and the others.

Randy: "alright."

Jumbo: "way to go guys."

Gigantamax sky went backed to normal as normal sky when flygon toward them with a smile as Phoenixkazemon said to him with kindness, "we're glad you back to normal, buddy. You wanna come with us to join section 23."

Flygon: "flygon."

[New chapter is out for today]

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