the chase

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Starfish island, vice city, Florida at 11:15 am with lmv got reiner on the wheel along with colt grice in the front and may at the back behind colt without her Whistling bird because it inside shoe box on the floor behind Reiner as he turned Diaz front entrance toward driveway for a moment, he stop the vehicle very close to mansion left stairways and look at may in the back with a smile, "good luck kid." She smile back as she exit the vehicle and closed the door after that, she approach in front of stairways begin walking up the stairs toward front door while being watched by Reiner and colt.

Colt: "I don't trust that Diaz person."

Reiner: "I don't trust him too, colt, but Diaz liking her to hire for something."

Diaz office

Diaz sitting in a chair watching horses race inside flat screen TV standing on top of column who became about his horse, "come on, baby, come on! Yeah, yeah! He became angry to begin getting up to smashed the tv with his feet to knock it down backward and said, " Stupid horse!! I'll chop your head off, grrr." He turned around approach the left side of desk to notice may enter the officer with his two bodyguard but he can't remember her and said to his bodyguards with anger while place his hands on the desk, "who is this dickhead?"

May: "may maple. You remember me."

Diaz: "excuse me, I'm a little anxious."

He walked back to the tv begin stomping into pieces of anger, "never trust a God damn horse." After that he calm down  to turn around at may, "you do a good job, you work for me now." May replied, "I work for money as hitwoman." Diaz said to her with little bit anger, "as I said Amiga, you work for me now. Shut up. Some judas has betrayed me. He thinks I don't know how much money I should be making, but stealing 3% is as good as stealing 100% no one does this to me. NO ONE! You follow him from his apartment and you see where he goes. Tomorrow at 11:15 am, we killed him."

May: "of course Diaz."

Then suddenly gas pokemon gastly appear of nowhere behind Diaz desk and said, "gastly." That shock two bodyguard and Diaz.

Diaz: "what in the world is that?"

May: "it's gastly an ghost and fairy type."

Diaz: "oh."

May exit his office heading outside toward lmv vehicle for Reiner take her to his apartment in vice point.

An few minutes later

They arrived at gangster apartment with Reiner parked right next to apartment with may exit the vehicle and closed after that when colt use window power button make window goes a bit and stop in halfway to see may who look up at him, "we're waiting for you at end of apartment right next to dumpster." May agree with him when he pressed button make window goes up and Reiner drive away to turn right to the street heading to end of apartment with may walk up the stairs. She look at widow to check if he's home but apartment empty and may look behind to see the gangster standing on the stairs that lead to the roof, "oh shit!" The gangster walk up to the stairs to the roof while being chased by her who's climbs on the roof to see gangster aim at her with a ruger begin shooting her with one shoot but she duck down from bullet to hit the wall and getting up to see gang member begin running from her as doing little bit Parkour on roof rail to left side of roof begin chasing him.

Back with Reiner and colt at end of apartment to see noticed blue bf injection with someone in driving side in 4 feet away that make them very suspicious.

Until they spotted gang member jump on dumpster perfectly from end of the roof to enter passenger side to sit down when may jump on the dumpster perfectly too  and do front flip to the pavement perfectly with both feet touched and she toward lmv t...

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Until they spotted gang member jump on dumpster perfectly from end of the roof to enter passenger side to sit down when may jump on the dumpster perfectly too  and do front flip to the pavement perfectly with both feet touched and she toward lmv to get inside passenger side quick and sit down.

May: "following him."

Reiner: "you got it."

They begin following them to left side of the street when gang member shooting the lmv with ruger.

Colt: "shit, that bastard shooting at us."

Reiner: "luckily this vehicle is bulletproof and including tires too."

May: "not bad."

They begin chasing the gangster through the streets of vice City with gangster still fire at the vehicle but nothing happened that shock him.

Gangster: "what the hell?"

The driver: "what's wrong boss."

Gangster: "that armored vehicle deflect the bullets when I shoot it. Probably the girl and her two friends of her got bulletproof vehicle."

The driver: "damn it."

For a few minutes, the chase leads may and her friends to an abandoned mansion in prawn island when lmv stop little bit close to mansion and bf injection stops and gangster run inside the mansion.

May: "well, he led us to an abandoned mansion in this island. That Fool."

Colt: "yup, come on we take you back at petalburg city  in your universe to rest."

Reiner: "and you getting another gifted from section 44 and section section 20 in your bedroom tonight at 5:45 pm."

May: "more gift for me, hehe."

Flash sentry original universe

Canterlot city, California in 11:45 pm on Wednesday, Patricia House.

Kate Patricia bedroom with Whitney on the bed underneath the covers with top above Kate on the bottom with they give relaxed moan when Whitney went right side of bed begin laying on the pillow while being snuggled with Kate with messing hairs snf being covered the blanket above their chest.

Kate: "that....was amazing."

Whitney wipe off small amount of milk from right lip and said, "you said it babe, it's good thing my parents is cool for let me spend a night with you for one night."

Kate: "yeah, let do it again on Friday night."

Whitney: "of course, I'm continuing sucking on your girls again."

Kate: "yup."

[New chapter is out for today]

7 universe times

Flash Sentry original universe

Canterlot city-11:49 pm

Japony-11:49 am

Pokemon original universe

Paldea region-12:35 am

Kanto region-12:15 am

Pokemon universe 3

Vermilion city-11:49 am

Petalburg city-11:49 am

Gta vice City universe

Vice city-11:49 am

Pokemon universe 2

Solaecon town, sinnoh region-11:30 pm

Aot universe 5

Paradis and marley-11:50 am

Aot universe 3

Paradis and Marley-12:40 am

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