vs tera duskull

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Equestria girl universe 2 at 12:40 pm

Canterlot high school front courtyard with flare warden, blu lighting, aqua minto, and cherry crunch having lunch together at left side of school for a moment until aqua minto noticed wild tera Pokemon, duskull standing behind flare in few feet away.

Aqua: "guys, there wild tera Pokemon behind flare at few feet away."

They getting up quick to turn around at tera duskull in a second when tera shards rose up to absorb him in few seconds and shards broke into pieces to reveal terastallize duskull with grass shards crown on his head and begin power up from that energy.

"Hey terastallize punk!"

He turned around to see ash Ketchum in section 17 jumpsuit with dark green strips and Pikachu that's surprise flare and her friends.

Flare: "Mr. Ketchum! You join section 17 like your wife."

Ash: "yup."

Aqua: "way to go mr. K."

Ash: "okay buddy, use volt tackle on duskull."

He run straight to him with volt tackle when duskull use razor leaf on Pikachu but doesn't effective at all when he headbutted him on the face with volt tackle to cause heavy critical damage make shards broke make duskull return to normal and collapse on the ground unconscious, then ash pull out pokeball with his hand and toss straight to unconscious duskull begin captured it inside the pokeball and landed on the ground perfect begin locked it without struggling.

Ash: "alright, I caught myself wild tera Pokemon."

He walk up to capture pokeball to grab with his hand and look at flare and her friends with a smile, "you kids are alright." Blu replied with polite, "we're fine mr. Ketchum and we're so proud of you to join section 17 as wild tera Pokemon catcher." Ash smile pride and said, "that's right I'm new monarch and Pokemon world champion when I defeat Leon after all."

Flare: "Mrs. Ketchum told us about it since 2 weeks ago."

Original Pokemon universe

Navi squad base in paldea region at 1:31 pm

Eri, the leader of the caph squad is visit attiaus behind his living quarter for a while. She staring down at 8 different types of flare on wooden table with confused look and said to attiaus, "what's with this flares, attiaus?"

Attiaus: "red flare single is titan spotted."

Eri: "titan? You mean titan Pokemon."

Sara: "no, giant humanoid creatures called Titans eating humans on paradis island, but they live inside the walls to keep titans out. The walls called Sina, Maria, and rose."

Eri: "oh."

Attiaus: "black flare single is abnormal titan is spotted. They got unpredictable behavior."

Damien: "purple flare single is a emergency of some kind like someone is grabbed by them."

Poison team star female grunt with light skin and light blue eyes. Her name is Gwen Vaughan. She said to eri, "blue single flare is order to retreat, green single flare is changed direction of the information, yellow flare single is let's everyone know that the mission has been terminated or successful or failed."

Eri: "that yellow flare in sky earlier ago that's mean successful."

Gwen: "correct, dark purple flare single is Giganatmax Pokemon has been spotted from other universes."

Damian: "the last single flare is wild tera flare single, that wild tera Pokemon has been spotted in other universes to give a single for wild tera Pokemon catchers to battle and captured it after that."

Eri is very surprised about the flares and said to them with curious and surprised, "where you guys get this flares from anyway?" Atticus replied, "captain arlelt from section 23 of course." She shocked of surprise and said, "the legendary heroes of universes, armin arlelt the former titan shifter and dino handler who gives the flares to you." Sara smile happily and said, "yup. He and other head of sections going to section 17 training ground to meet with mayor mare friend from japony, gecko kuro."

Eri: "that's great."

"Hello there."

They turn right cause eri become scared to see the ghost of grace Yvonne with huge claw scar on right side of her face, she floating half in inch above the ground and Attatius said to her with polite, "you're the mother of Serena Yvonne, right."

Grace: "I am."

Sara: "let's talk shall we."

[New chapter is out for today]

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