strange pokemon part 1: the cavern

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Poco path at 7:55 am

Zeke almost arrived at the top until he stop to heard of nenoma behind them, "hey zeke! You getting the hang of how to catch another pokemon, ok?" He turned around to his friend walk up to him who begin continue speak again, "let me see. So far you've caught---" Her words is interrupted by mysterious sound.

Mysterious cry: "guh-GYAOHHH!"

Nenoma: "whoa! What was that?"

Zeke: "an 4 meter titan are here in paldea region, I believe."

Nenoma confused: "huh?"

Zeke: "a humanoid creatures call Titans that me and my parents from. But I tell you later at academy."

Nenoma: "okay than?"

They heard same mysterious cry again, "go-ohhh!" Nemona walk up to the path in a second and stop in front the railing, "I've never heard that kind of cry before! Could be strong pokemon or something!" She turned around at Zeke, "I say we find whatever made that cry!  Let's take look around, zeke."

Zeke: "sure."

Nenoma: "just be Careful--there's a kinda unsafe cave not far from here, so steer clear and i know your rotom phone can help you down safe, but watch your step by these cliffs anyways."

He nodded his head to agree with her as walking pass by her to open cliff for a second and stop to heard same mysterious cry again, he began walking little bit at edge of the cliff and stop begin looking down at the beach finding the sound coming then something laying down on the shore with two pack of houndor in 3 away, it look a pokemon in metal body.

Houndor #1: "grrr-rrr!"

Houndor #2: "bauw! Bauw-bauw!"

Then mystery metal pokemon lift it head staring at them with blue digital eyes become angry and give out powerful cry, "Ah-giiiYAAAAH!!" That powerful cry shake the cliff with Zeke in it begin to fall until Zeke said, "go go gadget! Helicopter hat." An helicopter pop out from top of his cap with both handles come out, he grab it just in time and the propeller went spinning fast for him lift up a bit for half of cliff coming down.

Zeke: "(thought) thank you Mr. Idea."

He flying down to the beach for a second and stop little bit above the beach sand, until the whole helicopter went inside the cap with Zeke land on the sand perfect and notice two frightened houndor begin running away in fear from mysterious pokemon and look at mysterious pokemon still lying down on the shore line,  he begin walking toward mysterious pokemon for a second and stop in front of it.

Mysterious pokemon: "gurr!"

Zeke: "(thought) this mysterious pokemon seem to be too weak to move."

He got idea and grab something inside right backpack pocket quick to pull half sandwich begin wrapped inside of titanium that his mom made for him this morning before he left, so he unwrapping the sandwich quick, and place titanium wrapper inside right backpack pocket.

Zeke: "here you go buddy."

Mysterious pokemon rise head up to see Zeke who offered a sandwich so it grabbed at end of sandwich to pull from Zeke palm gently begin eating it whole and getting better while getting up on all fours

Mysterious pokemon: "agias."

Zeke: "I hoped you like it."

Mysterious pokemon staring at cave behind Zeke from the distance and walking pass him toward the cave who turned around at mysterious pokemon who stop to staring at cave and begin with a roar, "ah-GIIIGAAS!" It sit down on it butt to the sand when lower his head down with eyes closed until begin to glow blue aura inside of it when it leap up into mid-air begin power up.

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